IPB 3 problems installation

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Active Member
I'm trying to convert or move vBulletin to IPB 3 but when I go throu IP.Board installation in the end of the installation I received a blank page and no error code or anything like that.

You guys know what I'm doing wrong? Also I have vbulletin installed in public_html and in forums cause I'm using vBadvanced CMPS v3.0.1
Weird, are you shore you haven't disabled PHP error messages from being displayed via htaccess or server side? This seems like the most likely cause to me, and wise decision in moving from vBulletin to IPB by the way, you won't regret it :)
As far as I know I haven't disable any php. How to I find out if I disable the php message?

What else can I do to fix the problem?
Check your web directory via http for the ".htaccess" file, code can be placed in there to prevent php errors from being displayed.

And if this behavior is set server side its done via the php.ini file, so if you don't know how to use ssh you should contact your host to check it for you.
Check the "cache" folder for logs.

Basically, refresh the page afew times then run the FTP and check "cache".

I do have a feeling what it might be, just need you to confirm the error log.
Here man...

$INFO['sql_driver'] = '';
$INFO['sql_host'] = '';
$INFO['sql_database'] = '';
$INFO['sql_user'] = '';
$INFO['sql_pass'] = '';
$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] = '';
$INFO['sql_debug'] = '1';
$INFO['board_start'] = '';
$INFO['installed'] = '1';
$INFO['php_ext'] = 'php';
$INFO['safe_mode'] = '0';
$INFO['base_url'] = '';
$INFO['banned_group'] = '5';
$INFO['admin_group'] = '4';
$INFO['guest_group'] = '2';
$INFO['member_group'] = '3';
$INFO['auth_group'] = '1';
$INFO['mysql_tbl_type'] = '';

$INFO['sql_driver']            =    'mySQL';
$INFO['sql_host']            =    '';
$INFO['sql_database']            =    '';
$INFO['sql_user']            =    '';
$INFO['sql_pass']            =    '';
$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']            =    '';
$INFO['sql_debug']            =    '1';
$INFO['board_start']            =    '';
$INFO['installed']            =    '1';
$INFO['php_ext']            =    'php';
$INFO['safe_mode']            =    '0';
$INFO['base_url']            =    '';
$INFO['banned_group']            =    '5';
$INFO['admin_group']            =    '4';
$INFO['guest_group']            =    '2';
$INFO['member_group']            =    '3';
$INFO['auth_group']            =    '1';
$INFO['mysql_tbl_type']            =    '';


Try this, normally works.
Im host with hostbeyond.com

Now I received a error log...

[06-Aug-2009 20:04:21] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[06-Aug-2009 20:05:07] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[06-Aug-2009 20:06:56] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[06-Aug-2009 20:08:09] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[06-Aug-2009 23:13:32] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[07-Aug-2009 15:59:18] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[07-Aug-2009 16:05:55] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[07-Aug-2009 16:23:20] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
[07-Aug-2009 16:34:05] PHP Fatal error: Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/xbox360/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2109
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