IP that keeps visiting my 'Coming Soon' site ..

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I have a new site up and running, which is still in the 'Coming Soon' stage .. That is, the main URL just leads to a Coming Soon message. Also, I have not advertised the site anywhere, and have also configured my robot file to avoid any search engine indexing right now. This is mainly because I'm still developing the site. On top of this, my site is specific to my country, so it doesn't have a .com ending ... As a result of this, I get *very* low traffic .. Maybe like 4-5 hits a week ..

The odd thing is that mostly all of these hits seem to be coming from this one IP ?! The IP is US based, is supposedly from Cromwell, CT, USA ... why is a US based IP visiting a site which isn't meant for US .. ? Its always has the same IP, same location, etc .. The ISP is from Comcast in the US, but I know for a fact that residential Comcast IPs are dynamic, not static .. I think Comcast only issues static IPs to businesses ... So what can I conclude ?

I know I'm probably being just paranoid, but this does strike me as odd ! All hits coming from the same IP, for a website which just says coming soon, and isn't US based as well ?

So who is this guy ? ... :p
Murica is watching you!
Ontopic, I dont see anything to worry about here. Or just make a fb page and put the button on your site and force that user to press the like button :P
It could be a program of your hosting that make automatic stuff, put a php code in the page that save the HTTP headers and requests in a database and you'll be able to discover who's spying on you.
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