Search results

  1. N

    For Hire I build complete Bitcoin websites (gambling, services etc.)

    An emerging new industry that is rapidly growing and engages both noobs and seniors. Who didn't hear about Bitcoin? It's so easy to spend that thousands of people each day lose their money through gambling websites or buy services and products with it just to feel trendy. I build both the...
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    Help With Blogger Header Image

    usually it's "margin" that make that things, maybe try to resize the image.
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    Ok, fixed.
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    I tried to change the size of the divs to have all the same dimensions, but the button "learn more" position remains under the last sentence. I thought: I can fix it in 30 min. But having all the "offshore sites" a '90 style (from a design point of view) I have not tried more. Thank you for the...
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    Hello I'm NewMBA

    Thank you guys :)
  6. N

    For Hire I build complete Bitcoin gambling sites

    One of the most profitable Bitcoin industries, that is growing each day and that affect both noobs and seniors, gambling. What's more volatile than Bitcoin? It's so easy to spend that thousand of people each day lose their money into this type of Bitcoin sites. I build both the frontend and...
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    IP that keeps visiting my 'Coming Soon' site ..

    It could be a program of your hosting that make automatic stuff, put a php code in the page that save the HTTP headers and requests in a database and you'll be able to discover who's spying on you.
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    I like the design, I suggest you to put a favicon, like a dark-red heart, red as the logo. And I suggest you to put something in the footer, it's a bit empty.
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    Looking for some help

    We need more info, what type of script is this?
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    Rose from Chocolate Tutorial [Photoshop]

    Amazing tutorial, I'm gonna try this.
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    I need little help on ImgHost Script

    You need to store in a database all the ip of visitors and the TIMESTAMP of when they accessed for the first time in the day, then you can display the button or not if he is a new visitor or if he's not new in the past 24h.
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    how can i delete folders older then x days?

    Use a cron job, everyday it run the script xxxxx.php that makes the work, cron jobs are the best for this type of stuff.
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    A site I made in 3-4 days for portfolio/selling purpose I used the AVALON Template and is based on emails, so there is no database. I would like to know if it looks professional.
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    Hello I'm NewMBA

    Hi, I'm NewMBA, I come from Planet Earth and I'm a designer-developer-everything. :fly: