- Earn up to $9/1000 Views - PayPal, WMZ

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Stat seems to be late, i noticed that my daily earnings isn't incraised, but it should have, because i put lot of pictures on the forums.. so the stat is weird at the moment :( I know that image hostings count one Ip at once in day, but the stat is weird at the moment...

When imgzeus had been the new site name since the site stat isn't good, don'T cheat that stat please. Thank you !
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can some one tell how to become premium -
and what premium users gets?
at the moment we have free user .

Stat seems to be late, i noticed that my daily earnings isn't incraised, but it should have, because i put lot of pictures on the forums.. so the stat is weird at the moment :( I know that image hostings count one Ip at once in day, but the stat is weird at the moment...

When imgzeus had been the new site name since the site stat isn't good, don'T cheat that stat please. Thank you !
i think now working fine
The stats are frozen for me while I can see my images view counts are continuously increasing. Hopeless.

Also, funny stats for me as well. LOL. @Mati, your system is crazy. Even a free image host will give me more earnings than your paid image host.


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The stats are frozen for me while I can see my images view counts are continuously increasing. Hopeless.

Also, funny stats for me as well. LOL. @Mati, your system is crazy. Even a free image host will give me more earnings than your paid image host.

what is your username ?
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