- Earn up to $9/1000 Views - PayPal, WMZ

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You must be joking....10000 Mb space......or is that 10000 Mb per week
I am member 2 whole days and for now i only testing and i got this - Used space 1677.2 Mb of 10000 Mb / 812 files :-=

Your TOS is great

Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to decide appropriate content and can delete images or videos at any time without User notification.

I can upload pics from my birthday party but you will not earn nothing on that pics......or is that TOS only for "must be there"
Last edited:
You must be joking....10000 Mb space......or is that 10000 Mb per week
I am member 2 whole days and for now i only testing and i got this - Used space 1677.2 Mb of 10000 Mb / 812 files :-=

Your TOS is great

Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to decide appropriate content and can delete images or videos at any time without User notification.

I can upload pics from my birthday party but you will not earn nothing on that pics......or is that TOS only for "must be there"
100 G space for every user
and adult is allow .
Your pending payout: $5.06

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr"]

Waiting for my first payout
your pending payout: $5.06

[table="class: Tbl1"]
[tr="class: Hdr"]
[td="colspan: 4"]payments history
[tr="class: Hdr"]

waiting for my first payout

still waiting?????
your pending payout: $5.06

[TABLE="class: Tbl1"]
[TR="class: Hdr"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: Hdr"]

waiting for my first payout

still waiting?????
hey check first post
i say 2-4 days for payments
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