imgtiger, imgdino and imgserve are the best imagehosts because
- they pay the higher rates
- they never ever had a payment delay
- their support is great
This is for the first time they had to cancel payout because of the attack they suffered last week which lead to counting of raw views.
Some of the users may not be satisfied with the corrections they done, however considering their promptness in the payments we received from them in the past, its our duty to consider them this time.
- they pay the higher rates
- they never ever had a payment delay
- their support is great
This is for the first time they had to cancel payout because of the attack they suffered last week which lead to counting of raw views.
Some of the users may not be satisfied with the corrections they done, however considering their promptness in the payments we received from them in the past, its our duty to consider them this time.