- 5.00 USD / 1000 views - 10% referrals - Earn $ Sharing Images

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imgtiger, imgdino and imgserve are the best imagehosts because
- they pay the higher rates
- they never ever had a payment delay
- their support is great
This is for the first time they had to cancel payout because of the attack they suffered last week which lead to counting of raw views.
Some of the users may not be satisfied with the corrections they done, however considering their promptness in the payments we received from them in the past, its our duty to consider them this time.
I would like to be someones refferal for adult images or others (i think this sells best), but he need to send me list of blogs and forums where he post in PM.
So send me PM!
And my payment also is pending, i requsted it before wednesday 00:00, please ImgTiger check...
Edit: I recieved my payment, thank you!
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Guess their AD delay the payment so can't process our request.

Hello neo,

We don't work like that, even if an ad payment gets delayed or canceled, we are going to pay everyone unless we say otherwise on our website or email to our users. We always have balance in case something happens, we take this very seriously and do not depend on single payments, so don't worry. The delay was because our financial team had some issues and they processed dino and tiger a little bit later. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Last Activity
12th Sep 2013 08:55 PM

This does not mean anything, we offer active support on all our contact pages / emails, if you need assistance you can contact us there. We try to answer within 24 hours.

I am sorry for all the slow uploading problems you may have experienced on any website, we are aware of this and though it is going to take a bit we are going to improve it as soon as we can.

Thanks everyone for your business with us, we are glad to work with you all.

Kind Regards, Support
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