- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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when I upload through AJAX and choose thumbnail size 250x250, image don't upload on that size. Its upload on 180x180 size. anybody have same problem. Please reply me.
Just to clarfy this thing..If "Visitor A" from US(Tier 1) visits "My Step 1 Link" and "My Step 2 Link", does it count as one($0.006) or different($0.006+$0.006)? I hope you understands my question. :)
Just to clarfy this thing..If "Visitor A" from US(Tier 1) visits "My Step 1 Link" and "My Step 2 Link", does it count as one($0.006) or different($0.006+$0.006)? I hope you understands my question. :)

You earn for each visitor that views any of your images, not for all the raw views your image gets
Just to clarfy this thing..If "Visitor A" from US(Tier 1) visits "My Step 1 Link" and "My Step 2 Link", does it count as one($0.006) or different($0.006+$0.006)? I hope you understands my question. :)


If the same user visits 2 images on the same day, it will count one. If the same user enters an image link after 24 hs passed from his last visit, it will count one again. All imagehosts (and even filehosts) work this way.

Kind Regards, Support
Just to clarfy this thing..If "Visitor A" from US(Tier 1) visits "My Step 1 Link" and "My Step 2 Link", does it count as one($0.006) or different($0.006+$0.006)? I hope you understands my question. :)
Hello,If the same user visits 2 images on the same day, it will count one. If the same user enters an image link after 24 hs passed from his last visit, it will count one again. All imagehosts (and even filehosts) work this way.Kind Regards, Support
Thank you. :) Anyway, the more images, the more chance to get a view. :)
ImgServe,Hello, I have uploaded a non-adult image because I thought you accept non-adult image. If said that my image uploaded is clean, does it mean that advertisement or anything adult is not be posted? Some of my viewers get mad at me as they said that when they visit the image I shared, they saw an adult which is not good for most of the viewers of my clean image. :/ Could you clarify it to me? :(-Scotty
yes scotty for both genre they have adult image only thats why not use it with warez . and never share an image from them with any relativee lolz . only use for adult stuff .....:(
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