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  1. S - Get paid to share your images - up to $8 per 1,000 views!

    That's good to hear, mastid. Please approved my affiliate application. My username is.. "scottyimg" :)
  2. S

    ImgPay - Earn up to $6/1,000 views!

    I wanna ask, if I upload a non-adult image, does it also shows a non-adult ad?
  3. S - 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

    ImgServe,Hello, I have uploaded a non-adult image because I thought you accept non-adult image. If said that my image uploaded is clean, does it mean that advertisement or anything adult is not be posted? Some of my viewers get mad at me as they said that when they visit the image I shared, they...
  4. S - 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

    Thank you. :) Anyway, the more images, the more chance to get a view. :)
  5. S - 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

    Just to clarfy this thing..If "Visitor A" from US(Tier 1) visits "My Step 1 Link" and "My Step 2 Link", does it count as one($0.006) or different($0.006+$0.006)? I hope you understands my question. :)
  6. S - 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

    I just want to congratulate all those who already got paid. :) I hope to get paid soon as I just started on this site today. :)
  7. S

    Help needed for Pay per tweet sites

    You could try MyLikes - The world's largest advertising network for the social web , Twitter Advertising : Sponsored Tweets , and ? Social Media Marketing (Twitter ? Facebook ? Tumblr & More) :)