ImGrill.Com - Get Paid Up to $5 Per 1000 Image Views | Adult , Non Adult

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I requested payment on 2013-08-19 23:41:30 but didn't get paid last week. Could you tell me when this week's payout will be?

Thank you
Main page of the site will be down, so no uploading for a while due to some changes
and the payments are approved and will be sent today
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Hi there. I have regestered in ur service a few days ago and applied for affiliate account , but its still "pending" status.
I created a ticket in to ur support about how long is verification process?
Accept my affiliate account please.
Thank u.
Thanks for the 1st payment but all my images are gone? and check your payouts it's $300/1000views for tier 1

Are u supporting webmoney, I cant see where I can change payment options ?

We Pay via Webmoney . once you will reach minimum payout you will get option give your WMZ id and get paid

Will make payments (WMZ) in this hour !

Also we have updated the site to the newer version of the script as the older version had some bugs in it and we have also added a new resize option via which u can custom resize your images and the gallery option is also working and if you find any bugs or problems then please open a support ticket on the site


Update : All Payments Till Today have been made :)

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I have uploaded img recently, it shows 200 views, but when I go to >affiliate >my statistics it shows nothing. Or maybe its updating with some delay? Check please User ID: supercaag
I have same problem... statistics freeze on [TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content, width: 349"]

I haven't seen the 2013-09-06 stat..
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