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Please guys stay patient i will pay all but im still waiting for my network payout Thanks
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Yes we are patient, and waiting.
But the problem is, that you are unable to pay this huge amount of money.. what are we waiting for.
2 and 3 Tier rates are too high, and you have no money to pay this amount.
Like Mr. "filegrasper" or Mr "Bitload".... you can choose what name you call him...
It has been 2 weeks for me. I have given up guys. I have to pay my server bills hosting bills Premium accounts and memberships. The admin should have paid from their profits without waiting for the network payment. Its Imgnext Admin's headache to get payment from their network but they should not burden that on the users. They have other business and earning profits. They should pay to the users first and then settle account regarding network payments.
Imgserve groups always put users first and that's why they pay on time. It's a lesson to stick to old and tested hosts only not to be cheated. They may pay you less but they will always pay you on time.
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Amzing!!!!!, You guys still have hope for payment??? It has gone forever. Check last login of the IMGNXT Admin. Move On guys. I have lost in three figures ($xxx). May be some could have lost more.:facepalm:
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