- Earn Up to 6$ Per 1000 Views - Adult And Non Adult

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my payment is still not 20 days fuck you

I have pmed all details to you and also you dont seem to listen us, give us your Paypal or PAyza or Wester Union details , we will pay you and you cant use imgmoney or imgcloud any more. You seems to be a abuser of us long time.

I just want your payment where you see the problem I have wrote it 10 times you always say that you get a few hours ........som waiting 20 day my payment not
@filegrasper ,i sent you a PM and 2 emails yesterday!!! i refunded to your account !
need to be paid in paypal i gave you
bye .

Hey everyone that seems to be very Skeptical of this current situation... We have no posted on here for a number of resons however a time has now come that we should post...

Hi everyone! Bitload here! I'm going to be the new guy helping out around here! :) You'll all get to know me very well and always for good reason! In a nut shell we have been in the space for quite a while and are really looking forward to working with all you new Affiliates. We are soooo Happy in fact we have decided to make some new "changes" (we will call these Changes; Upgrades) to the affiliate program that should get you a little excited! Without Further....

Upgrade #1: Payouts, they are going to be increasing. Watch your accounts. We will be increasing the amount payed out for each 1000 visits. Currently at 6 per 1k

Change #2: Incentives! Each month we are going to put a little contest together, each month will be a little different to keep things competitive and let everyone get a chnace to win! Example.... "This next month we will be giving away a FREE ipad to the #1 top Affiliate that drives the most visits to their posts" "2nd and 3rd place will get Cash Bonuses" This is an example of the things to come. SO, not only will we be rewarding you guys through the Payouts we will give you guys some cool items!!!

Alright so back to the Issue that everyone is talking about. Current Payouts... So we currently do not have accounts at alot of the place being requested here. SO we are currnetly working day and night to get accounts set up there. We take our time and do things right! Thus the reason it's taking longer than you might say is "Normal" We do things right so we don't have to fix them in the short term! Our issues are fixed for the long haul. With that being said; hopefully we wont have to deal with this in a few months from now.

Now we are however Offering a way to get paid out right away for the accounts that have not been paid yet. If you currently have money in yours account this is you. Westurn Union OR Payzza....

If you want to get paid out right away! (Within 48 Hours of Submitting the below info)

#1: PM - filegrasper with the following info

Subject: "WU OF PAYZ Payout"

Body: Name used in Setting of website; Username; email used for contact; Amount requested

Body: Payment sources request : Either Westurn Union or Payza: Pick one of those and incude FULL payment reciver info. "What are WE going to need to get Paid out" Give us that info.

Attache a screen shot of your admin area with the payment request page up.

Once you have done with WAIT paitently for 48 hours and you WILL get paid.

Alright, So to some good time to come! We are looking forward to working with all of you! And hope we can move past this little issue that some of us have to deal with... It's not something we ever want to deal with again.

Let make the next 6 months of 2013 a good one!

Bitload- Admin ImgMoney & ImgCloud
Please refrain from posting in here about any payment issues; We all know whats going on now. PM us and it WILL be resolved...

new administartion starts very badly

no paypal,webmoney,IB payout...very disappointed...

i don't want both payza and western union...i've payment pending..pls reply what to do ??

with payza and western union...nobody prefer imgmoney and imgcloud and its nearing end

new administartion starts very badly

no paypal,webmoney,IB payout...very disappointed...

i don't want both payza and western union...i've payment pending..pls reply what to do ??

with payza and western union...nobody prefer imgmoney and imgcloud and its nearing end


It's true that only PayPal must be good for all.

Without PayPal, it simple worse.

Please arrange PayPal for us. Why not take support from other filehost/imagehost owner ? Because they can send PayPal including Indians too.


For Indian PayPal account holder you need to send as Service/Normal Payment.

i am an indian member. we cant withdraw money from payza account, also do not want wu. moreover one of my payout in imgcloud can not pay due to country as u remarks it. that amount not returned in my account balance. i dont know how u pay me that money. So everything is confusing to me. please give us appropriate solution.
So it comes down to this: people that can only use PayPal or an other payment processor will have to wait for an indefinite time. This might be another couple of weeks from what I understand. How on earth do you consider this an appropriate solution?

It is not the users who should have to adapt.
This indicates a clear lack of professionalism.

May I remind you of:
BTW for those who requesting this week can get paid next thursday. And we assure to be on time from next week.

You failed to deliver on your promises yet again.
I've a suggestion to the new authority by which all Indians can get theirs payments.

New authority will send money through Western Union or any other method to filegrasper - after that filegrasper will send us (To all Indians) Indian Bank Transfer (NEFT).

Then every Indians can get money.

Is it a good idea ?
Alright Guys we need to clear this up. I thought I made it clear with our post yesterday but I might not have, Sorry for that...

We are currently waiting for Two Paypal accounts to be set up: We have another office in Romania and Romanians Can send money all over and are not restricted at all. So, we will be paying out all Indian Paypal Payment Requests from that accountand all other paypal requests from the other account once it is fully Verified. We have personal Connections at Paypal and have been reassured that we will not have ANY issues with our account in the future! :)

So as of right now we are just waiting for the Verification Process at all of our New Payment Accounts. To Update: we will be Sending Payments from the Following: WebMoney, Payza, Paypal, MoneyBookers, Westurn Union, Bank Wire (International and Local), Indian Bank Transfer.
(If there are any other payment processors you would like us to add please ask, we will make it happen) We want to do everything we can in our power to work with everyone.

I want to Thank You for your patients! We will be sending Bonuses, Gifts and more at random to all users and Affiliates that have had to Wait for their Payments... Trust me when I say There is nothing good that will come from us not paying you. We WANT to pay you... BAD! And we will the second we can, even if its 4:30am and I have to set an alarm to wake up and do it...

We are truly working our hardest to get these resolved and activated as we only want to Pay your guys! We have no intentions of not paying! This would be foolish guys! Think about it! So For the last time; WE WILL BE PAYING EVERY AFFILIATE THAT HAS A PAYMENT REQUEST PENDING, IT JUST TAKES TIME!

If you remain Patient, Respectful and mature about this situation you will be gladly taken care of VERY WELL, I promise. I'm going to say this one more time: "If you remain Patient, Respectful and Mature about this situation you will be gladly taken care of VERY WELL, I promise."

So with that being said guys! We are looking forward to releasing some great news in the coming week! Please Stand By and Promote as you normally would and have a little patients, you will be glad you did :) I promise!

UPDATE: All users that have requested Payments VIA MoneyBookers will be Paid within the next 12 hours. PM me if you would like to Switch your payment Method and get paid tonight. PM the following Details: Username, Origonal Payment Request Method, Amount Approved, and Your MoneyBokkers Payment Info.

Hope all is well! Cheers!

PS. Im always here if you need to ask me something direct, PM me.

I've a suggestion to the new authority by which all Indians can get theirs payments.

New authority will send money through Western Union or any other method to filegrasper - after that filegrasper will send us (To all Indians) Indian Bank Transfer (NEFT).

Then every Indians can get money.

Is it a good idea ?

My money is still pending.. i requested to paypal. When my cashout will be approved ?

8 payout requested and they are not still paid via wmz((((

So it comes down to this: people that can only use PayPal or an other payment processor will have to wait for an indefinite time. This might be another couple of weeks from what I understand. How on earth do you consider this an appropriate solution?

It is not the users who should have to adapt.
This indicates a clear lack of professionalism.

May I remind you of:
BTW for those who requesting this week can get paid next thursday. And we assure to be on time from next week.

You failed to deliver on your promises yet again.

i am an indian member. we cant withdraw money from payza account, also do not want wu. moreover one of my payout in imgcloud can not pay due to country as u remarks it. that amount not returned in my account balance. i dont know how u pay me that money. So everything is confusing to me. please give us appropriate solution.


new administartion starts very badly

no paypal,webmoney,IB payout...very disappointed...

i don't want both payza and western union...i've payment pending..pls reply what to do ??

with payza and western union...nobody prefer imgmoney and imgcloud and its nearing end


It's true that only PayPal must be good for all.

Without PayPal, it simple worse.

Please arrange PayPal for us. Why not take support from other filehost/imagehost owner ? Because they can send PayPal including Indians too.


For Indian PayPal account holder you need to send as Service/Normal Payment.

Are you still paying through Indian Bank Transfer ?

If yes then know us.

Indian Bank Transfer is far better than PayPal also. (For Indians)


On the other hand you also can send us PayPal from Romania PayPal. We must wait and continue our works.


Kindly reply me.

Hi antthenait,

We will be paying through Indian bank transfer as well. We can pay out however you would request PayPal or IBT.


Are you still paying through Indian Bank Transfer ?

If yes then know us.

Indian Bank Transfer is far better than PayPal also. (For Indians)


On the other hand you also can send us PayPal from Romania PayPal. We must wait and continue our works.


Kindly reply me.

I got paid from both Imgmoney and ImgCloud through Indian Bank Transfer.

But some days ago filegrasper told us (Indians) to change our payment option to Paypal from Indian Bank Transfer. So, we changed our payment option to PayPal.

But as you too send payment through Indian Bank Transfer (NEFT) so again I've re-changed my payment option to Indian Bank Transfer.


I've requested my cashout on both Imgmoney and ImgCloud.

My Id:-
antthenait (On both Imgmoney and ImgCloud)

My bank details are on Ticket #58 and Ticket #111 of Imgmoney, also on Ticket #96 of ImgCloud.

Send me IBT (NEFT) of combine amount of both Imgmoney and ImgCloud


Hi antthenait,

We will be paying through Indian bank transfer as well. We can pay out however you would request PayPal or IBT.


Are you still paying through Indian Bank Transfer ?

If yes then know us.

Indian Bank Transfer is far better than PayPal also. (For Indians)


On the other hand you also can send us PayPal from Romania PayPal. We must wait and continue our works.


Kindly reply me.

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