I'm sitting in the hospital on my lap top and all of our login details and passwords to the payment accounts associated with these two sites are on my iMac witch is over 2000 miles away...
I would love to pay these and they will be paid ILHFF, they will be paid double what you have in the...
Please don't post this in our thread. I had a SERIOUS emergency and am in the hospital. I have a VERY close family member that is near death guys. This is not a joke and im not in a good spot because of it.
We started paying out last week and paid almost 80 Affiliates before this happened...
This is the week payments are finally going out.
You have been Activated!
Hang tight bud, Payments are being released this week.
Wait no more earnmoneybb, 100% of all Payments are going out this week!
We will be Paying out 100% Of all pending Payment throughout this week. IBT Payemtns will be sent Thursday. Thank you so much for your Patients...
We are indeed still Paying, All Payments will be settled this week.
Thank you for for having faith in us, just as everyone else should!!! :)...
Alright Guys we need to clear this up. I thought I made it clear with our post yesterday but I might not have, Sorry for that...
We are currently waiting for Two Paypal accounts to be set up: We have another office in Romania and Romanians Can send money all over and are not restricted at...
Alright Guys we need to clear this up. I thought I made it clear with our post yesterday but I might not have, Sorry for that...
We are currently waiting for Two Paypal accounts to be set up: We have another office in Romania and Romanians Can send money all over and are not restricted at all...
Hey everyone that seems to be very Skeptical of this current situation... We have no posted on here for a number of resons however a time has now come that we should post...
Hi everyone! Bitload here! I'm going to be the new guy helping out around here! :) You'll all get...
Hey everyone that seems to be very Skeptical of this current situation... We have no posted on here for a number of resons however a time has now come that we should post...
Hi everyone! Bitload here! I'm going to be the new guy helping out around here! :) You'll all get to...
Chrono- Hey bud! We are a good one to go with, however from one man to another despite the fact im the admin here; Sign up at a few and choose the one you feel best using. Since your the one using it, u must find one you like to use and is simple and user friendly!
We are currently Making some Changes for the next 24 hours. You will see the site is down for a while. Don't Worry these are for the best. Cheers!
PM us if you need anything~
Thanks guys we are indeed working on this issue! Don't worry all is well in the backend tho. Please check your reports as needed. Email us if u need further assistance.
Yes guys, we are working on the issues still... Dont worry we are seeing the correct numbers in our admin. Your income is not correct tho!
Dont be concerned guys! Just email us when u are ready for a payout and we will let u know where u are at for earnings!
Fix will come soon- We recently...
Rossi, This site is not even close to a scam. What is your screen name and ill get your issues taken care of.
Please PM me with what your issue is. We will get it figured out.
Also I have been adding 5$ to ever account that signs up for an Affiliate. Don't think scammers do things...
Hi there, Please PM us your Username and I can look into it. Please let us know what folder and what is missing. Also how long ago were the files uploaded...
Hi there, I just told them to take care of it. Sorry for the confusion.
What email do you want us to use; Please PM us with email used for Paypal
If we have missed anyone on payouts Let us know!
From here one out we will be releasing Payouts Every Other Week on Wends. This way people will have Larger Payouts and should have cash in hand by Friday depending on how it is paid!
We also have a custom RapidLeach Script if anyone would like...
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