- Adult Image Sharing - Up to $8.00/1000 Views!

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Are you saying posting this now because you have had the unfortunate experience of frozen uploads within the past day, or are you just making a general statement based on your past experience uploading with us?

If this is a very recent experience (today) then please get in contact and send me a ZIP/RAR file containing the images you tried to upload so I can address your issue.
Otherwise, if this is a not so recent experience, then please try again and see if the problem persists.

Also I would appreciate it if you would use some courtesy in your comments, I am not forcing you to use us as a host, remember you are not paying us to use our service, it is in fact the other way around, so please extend some courtesy and respect in your replies from here onwards. I do my very best to show you as much respect as possible so it wouldn't hurt you too much to reciprocate the favour.

Added after 3 minutes:

Uploding sux
the worst uploading system ever
we cant upload
i warned you and remind ,always frozen in the middle of the uploading
%70 %80 sometimes and cant upload
if we cant upload how can we earn
thanks for increasing rates but first buy more server and fix uploading problem
now this host is useless

Yea upload speed sux and sometimes get stuck even though the file is uploaded already.

I tested some pics and posted them in some forum but even though the view increasing I do not see any stat increased so either :

1. People canceling the view since the destination only contains small thumb pic and they need required to install plugin before they can view it. Since I've tested that there's no way to view larger picture without it.
2. Your system does not count view until the larger picture viewed.

Either way I'm not using any cheating method, just wondered why the stat aren't increased as much as the views stat in the forum I posted too.

Be rest assured we count ALL UNIQUE views regardless of whether they view it full sized or as thumbnail.
Also, your stats are not real-time and are updated once every 30 minutes, so please do have patience and any views you received from unique, non bot (includes Google Bot, and other spiders) will be shown.

Ok, you definitely miss the point here. Just look at my account, it's just newly registered. If I don't bother with your service then why would I look up and create a new account here? I hope that answered your concern.

Besides I just explain what I'm experiencing and that's truly an honest review from a user. As for the language well pardon me if it's seem rude to you since I just replying former message and to be honest english is not my first language and well considering you are aiming for better you should be thankful instead since someone here reviewing your system and not just forcing blame on you. Please reread my sentences carefully.

And yes thanks for the clarification, but so far it's been an hour+ but no new traffic registered yet. But well let's just wait and see about it.
man dont misunderstand but please fix errors please
we wanna use your host
great rates but some problems so we just tell you

btw i am ok with the views and counts
no shaving and they count even people dont download big image viewer

I appreciate that but I really cannot fix this issue unless you help me reproduce it on my end.
It would be of SO MUCH help if you could just send me a ZIP file containing all the images you tried to upload so I can debug this issue on my end.
Otherwise I am powerless, I do not know what files you are trying to upload that is causing this issue for you so I cannot act until I have that information. I hope you understand, what I am saying is; you are perfectly entitled to complain about the upload, in fact it's your right to complain about things not working - I like and encourage such feedback. But I cannot help you unless you help me by sending me a sample of some of the files you were uploading when the upload feature froze.

Added after 6 minutes:

Ok, you definitely miss the point here. Just look at my account, it's just newly registered. If I don't bother with your service then why would I look up and create a new account here? I hope that answered your concern.

Besides I just explain what I'm experiencing and that's truly an honest review from a user. As for the language well pardon me if it's seem rude to you since I just replying former message and to be honest english is not my first language and well considering you are aiming for better you should be thankful instead since someone here reviewing your system and not just forcing blame on you. Please reread my sentences carefully.

And yes thanks for the clarification, but so far it's been an hour+ but no new traffic registered yet. But well let's just wait and see about it.


Don't take this the wrong way, but it was you that unfortunately misunderstood my reply, let me clear it up for you really quickly:

Are you saying posting this now because you have had the unfortunate experience of frozen uploads within the past day, or are you just making a general statement based on your past experience uploading with us?

If this is a very recent experience (today) then please get in contact and send me a ZIP/RAR file containing the images you tried to upload so I can address your issue.
Otherwise, if this is a not so recent experience, then please try again and see if the problem persists.

Also I would appreciate it if you would use some courtesy in your comments, I am not forcing you to use us as a host, remember you are not paying us to use our service, it is in fact the other way around, so please extend some courtesy and respect in your replies from here onwards. I do my very best to show you as much respect as possible so it wouldn't hurt you too much to reciprocate the favour.

None of the above quote was directed at you, that was in reply to kemalettin67

Be rest assured we count ALL UNIQUE views views regardless of whether they view it full sized or as thumbnail.
Also, your stats are not real-time and are updated once every 30 minutes, so please do have patience and any views you received from unique non bot (includes Google Bot, and other spiders) will be shown.

That was in reply to you. Sorry for not making it clearer ;)
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i upload same images to all other image hosting sites, no problem there ,only in your host i have this problem
there is a problem on your upload option
even i send you zip file nothing will change
anyway thanks
i upload same images to all other image hosting sites, no problem there ,only in your host i have this problem
there is a problem on your upload option
even i send you zip file nothing will change
anyway thanks

Please send the ZIP file anyway, then we can see whether something or nothing will change. It's really that simple.
Look, I'm not going to post what you upload publicly, I respect your privacy and have no interest in that, I just want to see if there could be something about those files that is preventing our uploader from handling them like it should.
Really sorry about that, should be fixed now.

We will now investigate the cause of this error and see why it wasn't prevented from happening in the first place.

EDIT: We've made a few changes server-side and this error shouldn't happen again. Once again we apologise for our slow response to what was a very serious website issue.
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All PayPal and Payza payments have been sent.

If you haven't received your payment, there was a problem with your payment information, please contact me to arrange another payment option.
Balance 3.48 $ and i still havent received my payment...

Please get in contact, PayPal is currently not allowing us to make payments to users in Serbia.
This is the message we get when trying to arrange your payment:
"Currently PayPal accounts in Serbia are only able to send payments. This recipient is not eligible to receive funds."
I had about 3.50$ on my account and then suddenly i refreshed page 2.5 $.
Wtf O.o.Some explanation bmatthews?
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I had about 3.50$ on my account and then suddenly i refreshed page 2.5 $.
Wtf O.o.Some explanation bmatthews?

We are currently investigating this issue, at the moment it seems like all of yesterday's data may have been erased. This is both very upsetting and quite worrying and we are looking at all the possible causes for this sudden data loss. As for your earnings, fear not, we will be making a 50% bonus payout to you which should help cover the loss of earnings (in your case)
2014-06-04 earnings from my account also missing. also 2014-05-16 . I joined 2014-05-13. My account name is jack713098. So please do something.
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