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WMZ account is getting ready for us, problem in loading funds.

Well , untill we make WMZ and MB ready we are going to send funds through Western Union for the people who can't wait. So please PM me with Name , Address and also username on site along with the amount you requested.

BTW for those who requesting this week can get paid next thursday. And we assure to be on time from next week.
I haven't receive my payments from u.I got this comment on Admin comment in
Payments History page: Can not send due to country.

what do u mean? what is the issue?
check it >> Image Hosting Site - Earn Through Images

dip acharya

Which country you are from ?

Indians and Argentina people cant recieve funds through PayPal , we are having limit for it.

Use Payza , Western Union or WMZ

I'm Indian.there have any other way to receive money like indian bank transfer or NEFT?
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I got the message "Can not send due to country"

Could you send the money to my Payza account? It's the same e-mail used with Paypal. My login is jonesT

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I haven't receive my payments from u.I got this comment on Admin comment in Payments History page: Can not send due to country.what do u mean? what is the issue? check it >> Image Hosting Site - Earn Through Images :139:Regards dip acharya
Which country you are from ? Indians and Argentina people cant recieve funds through PayPal , we are having limit for it.Use Payza , Western Union or WMZ
you tell me in pm that now indian can receive payment through paypal. so i request through paypal not by bank transfer, which I requested for imgmoney earlier and get paid. now my payment history show that my payment in imgcloud completed but I cant get the amount in my paypal account. what about my earning now and tell me how i get this payment username is rayurmella. can i get it by bank transfer as i get it earlier in imgmoney
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I haven't receive my payments from u.I got this comment on Admin comment in
Payments History page: Can not send due to country.

what do u mean? what is the issue?
check it >> Image Hosting Site - Earn Through Images

dip acharya

Which country you are from ?

Indians and Argentina people cant recieve funds through PayPal , we are having limit for it.

Use Payza , Western Union or WMZ

As Indians won't able to receive PayPal - so, how can we (Indian) receive our payments ?

Can you send us IB(NEFT) ?

Please know here.

I will update you all tonight after getting the status from them. Please hold.

For Indians they are saying paypal not allowing to do so , and so they have said we can use Western Union - So I will update you all tonight.
Which country you are from ?

Indians and Argentina people cant recieve funds through PayPal , we are having limit for it.

Use Payza , Western Union or WMZ

I'm Indian.there have any other way to receive money like indian bank transfer or NEFT?

I was sent a Ticket earlier.
please try to attend my tickets.
Ticket #78 < please check it.
one more thing my payza account is same email used with Paypal.

dip acharya
2013-07-04 16:09:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 PP appproved ...not paid yet . will restore it payments the to paypal account or replace it with another current account
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