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No, I really got paid yesterday.

filegrasper paid me through IBT. BitLoad sent him(filegrasper) some money to pay Indian users.

If you have approved payment request (Only for Indians/IBT) then you can contact filegrasper to know the farther procedure of get IBT Payments .


How you know so much details: Bitload sent money to filegrasper and then filegrasper pay indian users.

Lot of indian users here and you are the only one that has received the payment.

It is clear that Bitload is paying some users to talk good things about him. And the user antthenait is one of them.

I just contacted filegrasper many times and filegrasper gave me those information. As per filegrasper's information BitLoad sent him Western Union to send money to Indian Member.

Please remember that I'm not any stuff or friend of them and I'm not responsible for anything. So, please don't accuse me.

I just told here that information which I got from filegrasper , because like you me too is a member of ImgMoney and ImgCloud. I contacted filegrasper many times to get my money. (Directly to my Indian Bank).

So, if you are Indian and you want cash at bank though IBT then please contact filegrasper.

This thread has been closed pending an internal investigation on our behalf.

Due to an overwhelming amount of individuals having not received their payment in the past 3 weeks.
Due to lack of response from the affiliate.

This thread should have indeed been closed sooner. We here at WJunction make any and all attempts to ensure that you, our members are as safe as possible. However, in cases such as this, it is up to you the members to report issues when they arise.

In the future, if you have any issues regarding payouts or sudden terminations, please contact us immediately so we can asses the situation in a more fashionable time.

Thread will be closed until the operator makes all payments to those that are rightfully owed.

Thank you.
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