- Get paid up to $2.60 per 1000 image views

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hello. when a user clicks an image, imgchilli then says "Continue to your Image"
I was wondering, if it will display this sentence in a different language depending on where the user is from?? or is it just always in English?
Yes, we want to implement Webmoney so we are open for users from all former Soviet countries where it's being used mostly.
We haven't even looked into it yet though.
Hello , i already registered, i have more than 800 views but 0 earnings , do you wait some time to put earnings on the table???
Another question... you pay for ip view in 24 hours, people do not have to click on the image to count , isnt it?? thank you !!!
I keep repeating this over and over again. Because that table shows RAW VIEWS. If I refresh your image 10.000 times, you'll see 10.000 image views in those stats. But apparently you'll get paid only for 1 view.
Well no, I don't think there's any point in showing that. We show you how many views you had total and how much you got paid. If you have some suggestion to improve stats, let me know.

I did however just tell developer to add there a word "raw", including some hovering question mark explaining what a raw view means, since this question is so frequent.
I tried logging in but everytime i do so it shows "You are successfully logged in"
and after which it redirects to the main page on which i am logged out. I tried to do the same 5-10 times still i am unable to login.

I tried the same on Chrome, Firefox and IE

PS In the thread title it is imgchilli (with double l), while the site is imgchili. You might want to change that.
I tried logging in but everytime i do so it shows "You are successfully logged in"
and after which it redirects to the main page on which i am logged out. I tried to do the same 5-10 times still i am unable to login.

I tried the same on Chrome, Firefox and IE

PS In the thread title it is imgchilli (with double l), while the site is imgchili. You might want to change that.

Clear cookie.
is minimum payout still $1 for this wednesday or elses ?
Yes, minimum payout is $1.

I tried logging in but everytime i do so it shows "You are successfully logged in"
and after which it redirects to the main page on which i am logged out. I tried to do the same 5-10 times still i am unable to login.

I tried the same on Chrome, Firefox and IE

PS In the thread title it is imgchilli (with double l), while the site is imgchili. You might want to change that.
Try to clear your cookies. Thanks for heads up about the thread title. Already fixed it.
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