- Get paid up to $2.60 per 1000 image views

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i'm affraid they just want your money by advertising on their website just like you did on :facepalm:

i hope you can cooperate with them. ;)
We're all crossing our fingers on this case :'(
I don't know what they want, still haven't received any reply. Our current advertising performs flawlessly and we do not intend to buy any more spots at the moment.

please support alerpay
Already commented on that. For instance a page ago.

Btw, another payout round sent out. Our top affiliates make several hundred dollars a month. Join them
Little question:

Is it better to use SharedImages or Imgchili ?

Already got paid 10 times from Sharedimages and i'm new at imgchili.
ok they pay but is it easier to make money with imgchili or sharedimages.

The fact they only pay 1 view per ip in 24 hours sounds like a problem to me.
Is Sharedimages doing that too ? i'm not sure.

I got the feeling that the sharedimages rate is lower but they pay more views. Am i right ?

Got 382 views and only earned 0.07$
It's only 0.18$ for a 1000 views.
More than 5500 views for a dollar.


Added after 11 minutes:

And i don't understand how ImgChili makes money.
When i click on one of my picture, i got a huge imgchili ad.
ImgChili is paid by Imgchili to promote Imgchili ? :D
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