ImagTwyti - Adult Image Hosting - Earn Up To 8$ / 1000 Views

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I do not see any problem, you are paid twice, and that it is the third payment of pending should have a little patience, if you want to stop working with us, you have no need for giving me the knowledge, just stop it.

Best Regards.
ImgTwyti admin.
Hi. I requested on dec. 3 and still did not receive my fee.

Hi, probably waiting for payment by WebMony, I apologize WM payments will be for a few days, if someone wants to pay another payment processor please write suport ticket.

Best Regards.
ImgTwyti admin.
Paid - :):dan:[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content, width: 730"]
[TR="class: greencolor, bgcolor: #F4FFF0"]
[TD]2014-12-03 21:50:55[/TD]
[TD]2014-12-18 22:31:05[/TD]
[TD]5.0789 $[/TD]
[TD]Please show your payment proof at our wjunction thread. Thank you for using ImgTwyti.[/TD]
[TR="class: greencolor, bgcolor: #F4FFF0"]

i'm unable to use ur host...unable to upload images

remote upload not working.....

it display

Warning: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/imgtwyti/public_html/inc/functions.php on line 1073

Warning: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in /home/imgtwyti/public_html/inc/functions.php on line 1073
Image or URL not valid

also when login it stay only few minutes and it automatically logout

so i have to login everytime to upload images

set ur login logout time to infinite
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