why u not reply my PM i appreciated ur hosting at least u not reply me for the thanks shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt my mistake i appreciated ur host all are bad
Hello ,
we are planning to :
- Stop our standard Mixed plan (35% sales , 100% downloads)
- add PPS only plan (70% each sale,0% of downloads) ,
PPD only plan (0% of sales , 100% of downloads)
and Mixed plan (50% sales , 50% downloads) for our users/uploaders .
- reduce referral percentage to 5%
- 30 Days of Free premium for all users who reached $50 last 2 weeks
some people may be not happy after this modification but if you think you will find it's the same and Hulkfile still offer best service level & affiliate plans for you and your users , but we do that to be more organized and to keep our company running in same level because we spend a lot of money paying in mixed plan (35% sales , 100% downloads + 10% referrals) for our users and this start effecting our budget and may effect our service level in the near future .
we expect these modifications will have effect after we discuss about this and you approve it !
we will be more happy to discuss this matter with you here in this topic !
okay sir i knew once you get a good amount of money you will start doing modification and make it even less money for me am getting daily sales and a very good amount of traffic you pay me $2/1K downs and i said ok the guy needed the money to keep the good work on the site and pay in time you pay the least money ever for sales mixed 35% other offer mixed 50% sales you are the only who pay 35% and no rebills at all and i said okay he needed the money etc...
so sir i can proof that i will be getting way much sales than the good amount am having now but still i don't like and i will be leaving when u apply your system those are not 100% download rate to get them in a separate plan i hope you really reconsider unless you are doing so in order to drive some uploaders away which is your choice please check my sales count and traffic flow before you respond and put in your mind that sales wise your are still so new and my users had to buy in around 4 diff hots in the past 2 mouths Really hope you will know what you are doing sir
you are now on mixed plan which is 35% , 100% , and this is very good plan i believe .
and it's completely up to you , now our calculations says that we will pay $1,000+ monthly for our users while we don't make the triple of this amount monthly yet .
and our servers are expensive , we just make an offer and you are completely free to take it or not .
plus , we are not making modifications after we earn money , you don't know about our earnings .
it's good only coz u delivered the best service regarding downs speed and downs limits for free members and that made up for the rates so yes i was happy coz i still can make good money and make my users happy
if it is a choice then give me the choice to keep my current plan simple and easy
money wise check accounts see who is draining money without giving in return and make him on download only or PPS only but not for people who are earning you more than they are getting make it a choice
finally and am discussion with you and so i hope u come with a better decision or give me the choice to stay on m plan with the same quality of service
for me i don't care about referral and 50/50 is good sir but you already offered half what every body else is paying coz of good service as you mentioned in the beginning so if am on 50/50 plan on another host i will be getting $2/1K and 50% sales am getting 35% and happy coz i want you to make money to stay in work i think of your host as busnises partner so we both help each others
regarding your earnings sales are getting better by the day your service is making you popular if it's so hard to keep the same tell the money flow is ok then as i said see who is the cause of the drain not the pop[el who work hard and earn you alot
finally can i ask you what about ads ?? i thought those would be enough to cover the PPD plan easy i worked with adsence before and it was getting good money for my kinda traffic
as i said, if you think you will find that our new plans are better , we want to attract more users man .
if you choose Mix plan , you will get 50% sales & 50% downloads and this is better , correct ?
Adsense is perfect but our servers prices are high .
so , we still discussing about the new plans , any one have any comment please put it here .
our goal is making our business partners happy and still with us for ever .
okay at least you are getting there i will wait for others comments and believe me man i want you to earn and stay at the service level but you too have to want me happy and able to continue me too have money to pay to keep my site going anyway i will have alot of ideas for you if the money problem continues
hello ,
Hulkfile team facing a problem right now with earnings
our Adsense account has been permanently Disabled and that was our only way to make money beside the cents that we make from premiums !
so for now , we don't have any plan but you should get paid with no problems .
but we are obligated to stop the PPD plan and run PPS plan only until we find a way out of this trouble .
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