, Rock Solid file hosting - Upto $8/1000 Downloads , 35% PPS and more

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Ok removed file removed money from download, but i do not understand how to change to PPS ONLY? PPD is down i know that and how to change to PPS only?I use other filehost also as PPS ONLY and i have nice income, can i have PPS by yours filehost? THX!
Porn content is not allowed , so please if you have any porn file (video , image) Or Copyrighted file delete it ASAP before we find it and delete if and its profits .
also your account may get banned ! , this is what you wrote. but here are 99% warez uploaders?
so i'm in wrong place ? :)
it's that simple , if this is not meet your needs just leave our website .

Added after 28 minutes:

Now is Available in Z-o-o-M File Uploader .
just Download the latest version and Enjoy !
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Yes, you are.

Nobody will upload to your host. Everybody is here to earn money and those who aren't are uploading to better Free Hosts like Mediafire etc. Why should we upload to Hulkfile if you dont payout warez stuff and we dont know how stable you are?
very bad cant earn anything here, will leave
edit: uploading since 5 days, over 600 dls per day, not any f.. sales, this host cheats..-. bye
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wow , over 600 dls a day and no f.. sales ?!
that is unbelievable !
sure we cheat , but how others making sales and they get paid every week ? also we reward them with free premiums because they make good download rates .
please don't use our host you are not obligated and you are not right in this .

Added after 18 Hours 11 minutes:

waiting for PPD <3

please add ppd soon

we are discussing some issue and PPD is also under discussion , follow us to be first know the next update .
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which PM ?

I dont know about everybody else, but I am getting good sales without a PPD plan. :)

if you can let them know how they can make money from PPS Only that will be helpful .

we will start with TIER-D and then will active next Tiers sequentially .
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