- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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03/22/2014 $ 15.38 PENDINGWe are still awaiting payment.

Did you Miss this under the button you pushed to request payment ?

" Important: Our payouts are made twice a month, on the 15th and on the 1st of each month, to receive your payout in time you need to request the payout at least a week before the payout date, otherwise we won't be able to process your request in time. "

So, just guessing you'll be paid on the 1st or shortly thereafter.
Since I use my account for uploading and sharing files and not for download as you can see in my account, Can you extend my premium account in order that residents as a premium my files stay longer not deleted since the last download.

My Premium account expire 2 April 2014

My username: Arko072

Thank you in advance
Greetings from Bosnia
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And we are still waiting o_o

03/22/2014 $ 15.38 PENDING

Added after 1 Day 6 Hours:

03/22/2014 $ 15.38 PENDING

What a joke even without paying.

Added after 12 Hours 47 minutes:

Thanks for payment
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