- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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Thanks for the warm words! :) we wish you GOOD LUCK as well!

@Mitinew - You need to input a public URL you want to download - Direct link.

Good luck! :)

What about a Silver Membership - somebody wants one ??? :D
You are welcome!

Let us know if you want one as well...
In a few days we will be giving away another GOLD membership, keep tuned.

Good luck to all :D
@heart_tracker - PM answered.
@Rock|the|world - Please read the TOS - it states exactly what's allowed and what isn't, if anything is unclear you can contact us via PM.

Good luck :D
Hi ,

Can you give me a silver Membership please ?

Username : jayoh

And I have a question for the webmoney payment option, you need the mail adress or webmoney purse ?

Thanks in advance for your answer !
first the embedded videos are great in terms of compatibility with android phones and tablets but they take long time to load ?
and also can you upgrade my account to silver ?
@Tuyo - You are now Silver member! Good luck! :D
Enter your webmoney email, once you reach the payout minimum we will contact you to get you purse id.

@ahmedkassem - You are now Silver member! Good luck! :D
We are adding new servers in the next day or two, that will make videos load much faster :)

Good luck to all!
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