- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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We will be checking other payout options, if there is a user that can't get paid in any of our current payout methods please contact us via PM. We will find a solution for it.

We will be giving away Silver memberships to anyone requested for one in a few hours, a PM will be sent.

Thanks and good luck :)

By the way, we are adding more servers in the next day or so, better and faster speeds soon to come :D
@rachoon - You are now SILVER MEMBER! Good luck :)

We promise to check more payout options in the near future :D

Silver for everybody! Come and get it...
here, some more suggestion...

1] please add LR (Liberty reserve) - already answered :)
2] split money option, so we can split some amount to webmoney, some amount to payza and all,
we can limit the amount

3] release link checker api first or plugins to "wordpress" , "mybb", "vbulletin" , "ipb"
so users can know the status of link instantly before clicking the link.
first impression is the best impression, if your links are up and if it is visible to users means, sure it will create a trust and more conversions, just my opinion
First of all, Thanks a lot for taking the time to write us suggestions! :)
Now, about your notes:
2- If you want to split your payout, just let us know, we will take care of that. We prefer it to be to the same payment proccessor, but we will make the extra work if it's useful to our users :)

3- It's rather good idea! We will look into that and let you know :)

We wish you all HUGE files ;)

You know what guys, we want to treat you, we will grant 2!! GOLD MEMBERSHIPS to the first users to ask for it..... So, who will it be ?

Good luck to all!
ok I'm trying for two weeks, these are the results and frankly if Italy will not be moved to tires I do not think I will use this more file hosting, towel for the last time I ask this favor you can move Italy in Tier 2 Countries for please?

1099 / $0.1312 $0.1312
and one thing is unsustainable download 1000 manco $ 1 and so unthinkable to use this file hosting

si e una cosa insostenibile 1000 download manco 1 dollaro e inpensabile usare cosi questo file hosting
la maggior parte dei host classificano l'italia in 2, invece questo non la conosce nemmeno....prova un'altro host
il giorno d'oggi sono tutti uguali...ricordati il detto
quando non c'e il gatto il topo balla--- ormai da quando finito Fsonic e company questi qua fanno le loro tariffe come vogliono loro e poi contano un dl per ip
Hey guys,
First, we don't speak/read Italian, but anyway we won't be making change to the tier tables.
Good luck! :)

Free silver membership anyone?? :D
How many payouts so far you released? I see you offering silver very frequently~
and its not 1k..10K count,so rate seems low..
what is the benefit of gold membership?

what is highest limit size of a file for free user can download?
Payments are released per request, we won't disclose our users privacy.
We are giving away free silver memberships for a period of time to allow new users to see how good our service and support are.

Gold membership gives you better and higher rates, you can read all about it on our get paid page.
There are no limits on size and number of files for guests, so that's why users love picking up our links.

Good luck! :D
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