How Warez-BB Earns Money?

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I'll say it again, they don't earn money from ads :)

Yeah you're right, they put the banners there for free

Or your awesome theory for banners for hardware. Why would they do that, they're not some kiddie who's looking for a $1 host, they can pay servers themselves.

It went like this I guess:

Adpermium contacted warez-bb.. saying


I would like to advertise on warez-bb, I can give you 2 servers to host your site!"

Response from warez-bb:

"Sure, I put up your banner immediately plz plz give me 2 servers!"

Case solved
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Yeah you're right, they put the banners there for free

Or your awesome theory for banners for hardware. Why would they do that, they're not some kiddie who's looking for a $1 host, they can pay servers themselves.
Lol nice reply The Coon, surely they arent doing it for just fun. Its serious cash, one of the top warez forums.
LOL, those who think that they make money from VIP or through Donation , then you FAIL !

VIP status is given to users because of their contribution towards the community

Donations closed
Those ads are not like google ads which pay per click

these are like wj sold a place for ad and have some fixed price and i don't that it too much
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