How Warez-BB Earns Money?

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with 120K uniques day and 3 adsposts + 1 popup under to each afte 6 uniques ... I'm able to make over 300$ a day with about 4200 - 4700 ads clicks average
hmmm...but still wondering why people click to those be honest i'm always confused about Google Adsense And The Adspot Thing U Guys Said..."Why People Click To Those Ads?" "In The Sake of God In My Whole 10 Years Internet Career I Clicked May Be 5 Ads Maximum"

So Whats The Point...I Know The Thread Is Redirecting To Another Thing...But I Dnt Wana Create Another Thread Regarding This...

simple - I click it to support the forum I like

I do not even watch what is on the page - just do it to get wbb or some other forum I like

same reason people donate - some of the people dont want VIP status or something like that - they just donate to help it keep running

is it more clear now :)

EDIT : and I do not care how much do they make as long as they are keeping up the good work
I had a site(legal) a few yrs ago that used to make 30$ a day with CPM ads with around 4-6k Uniques a day, So imagine the traffic warez-bb gets :D My guess is that they make 500.00-1,000$ a day, if not more, im not sure what are the rates for the network they use.

It all depends on the AD network they are using
@bxflow well legal site with 4000 - 6000 uniques should make much more then 30$ if u use google adsense you should make over 120 - 150$ a days easy, depending on ads possitions, and keyword adwords research. If u use adbrite with full page ads and CPM u should make over from 30 - 50$ a day.
@bxflow well legal site with 4000 - 6000 uniques should make much more then 30$ if u use google adsense you should make over 120 - 150$ a days easy, depending on ads possitions, and keyword adwords research. If u use adbrite with full page ads and CPM u should make over from 30 - 50$ a day.

I know, But i was banned from adsense a while ago for being an idiot :(

It was a Halo gaming forum and I only used 1 cpm network and no PPC

and back then I didn't know the stuff i know now :D
It's my guess that these ads are sold on CPM basis, not on CPC ...

So if they get a lot of page views, it's not necessary that people click.
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