How to increase Website Speed?

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It's been a while since I dabbled in Wordpress.. But one thing that I do remember is that more plugins don't necessarily mean better.
In most cases, having loads of plugins (sometimes more than one - for the same thing) could actually slow things down.

First of all, what type of hosting do you have? Shared / VPS / Dedi Server ?

Theres loads of small tweaks that you could do. Minifying your css/js files for instance - There are tools that can assist you with this.

Maybe the theme itself is the problem?? try changing the theme, and see if the speeds increase?

As it's Wordpress based, lets start with the plugins....
Multiple Plugins - Process of elimination.

I would do the following.

1. ALWAYS CREATE A BACKUP BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO MODIFY FILES ETC - If you don't have a backup and things go wrong, you'll kick yourself!!
2. Go to your plugins tab... you might have loads of plugins installed, but deactivated... You might as well just delete them.
3. Disable all of your plugins, and then try loading your site.

If you notice that your website has loaded much faster, then activate one of your plugins... Load your site again... Keep doing this until you find the culprit that is slowing down your site.
If it turns out that one of your plugins is the culprit, then maybe you/we can find an alternative?

If you notice NO difference, then try changing to a different theme.... Don't lose your sh1t about this!! It's only for testing purposes lol.

Again, if you notice no difference, then maybe you might have to consider a different hosting option (depending on your answer to the very first question)

Could be due to a lot of reasons. Best to consult with a programmer. Might also be because of your shared hosting plan. Up to a SSD VPS and you'll witness a miracle.
Optimize images
With images, you need to focus on three things: size, format and the src attribute.

Image size

Oversized images take longer to load, so it’s important that you keep your images as small as possible. :

Crop your images to the correct size. For instance, if your page is 570px wide, resize the image to that width. Don’t just upload a 2000px-wide image and set the width parameter (width=”570”). This slows your page load time and creates a bad user experience.
Reduce color depth to the lowest acceptable level.
Remove image comments.
Image format

JPEG is your best option.
PNG is also good, though older browsers may not fully support it.
GIFs should only be used for small or simple graphics (less than 10×10 pixels, or a color palette of 3 or fewer colors) and for animated images.
Do not use BMPs or TIFFs.
Src attribute

Once you’ve got the size and format right, make sure the code is right too. In particular, avoid empty image src codes.

In HTML, the code for an image includes this:

<img src=””>

When there’s no source in the quotation marks, the browser makes a request to the directory of the page or to the actual page itself. This can add unnecessary traffic to your servers and even corrupt user data.

Pro Tip: Take time to re-size your images before uploading them. And always include the src attribute with a valid URL.

To ensure your images load quickly, consider adding the WP plugin to your website.
Reduce plug ins and also Jquery files that run on your home page. Take webmaster tools or Search Console help. Open your account and Click on Other Resources-> Page Speed Insights and follow its instruction.
I would advice you use less images, compress images (Use wp plugin), remove un-necessary CSS, use CDN and use fast web server, I am sure you will get good result.
The main reason your site is slow would be down to your hosting provider. You may need to upgrade to a better server. There are other things such as removing files that are not needed, compressing images, removing background tasks like javascript etc.
Make sure the server is running through a 1GBPS port, with good ram, good download/upload speeds, and generally good internet connection for the server.
Use Google speed checker online and get your website result. And find out error and reason which restrict to improve your website speed. And try to remove Flash images or more weighted images in website.
Install some wordpress cache plugins. it works.
I have installed w3 cache wp plugin. My site loading time changed from 15 seconds to 6 seconds
Choose a good host. Start with a solid framework/theme. Use an effective caching plugin. Use a content delivery network (CDN) Optimize images (automatically) Optimize your homepage to load quickly. Optimize your WordPress database. Disable hotlinking and leeching of your content.
For a person who is nowhere near server savy im going to tell you what I did
1# check your pc performance through gtmetrix and follow instructions on how to fix small errors here and their.
2# slap your site on cloudflare and use some of their bits and pieces for help.
3# have .htaccess file and robot.txt already disallow to serach directorys
4# check your template and mods to see if every heavy. also check and see your files that might use old versions of js
It may cause of your hosting server speed you have to check your hosting server. If it is regular then you have change web site design which you include some big size images.
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