New Scam

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I too don't like how hotfile is going.
Agreed. I would protect my filehost as well. But not by banning datacenters and closing accounts. I'd contact the person and agree to set a fixed amount of bandwidth instead of their 'unlimited' ( note quotation marks ) plan.

I don't trust hosts that give me unlimited shit. As everyone with a brain larger than a pea knows that doesn't smell good.

People that have a brain/pea ration < 1:
and about everyone else that posted that hotfile is awesome by banning accounts due to high-downloading.

Just to be clear:
I also don't like the way the bulletin-'scene' is changing. But fuck it, you're being hypocrites if you bitch about it. The mpaa also doesn't like how the world is digitizing.

Pirates == mpaa?
Didn't think so. So move on and utilize everything you can find to make your life easier and stop whining.
yaah Mr. Devilz we can still do RS >> HF and to earn in free acocunt is still open and will always be man...

Atleast first of all learn to make title first and stop reporting posts its not going to help u..
Its not d scam lol

they have clearly said multiples r not allowed many ppls r trying to add hf premium ac in Rapidleech and trying to download from there which is strictly prohibited according to rules ...

So before make any shits threads always read d rules ;)
i stopped HF long ago,
as when i am in normal use r am getting 100+ downloads, f i get gold or platinum or silver state automatically downloads will be decreased...
always same happened.
again if became member my downloads will raise :p

so that i known that they scamming people

why downloads will decrease if we get bronze, silver, gold, platinum...
all fake.

again informing as not to be a rocket scientist and calculate downloads.

but one thing is correct because of HF only all these earning programs came.
Every one started reward systems and so many people are earning.

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