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I'm actually not mad at all anymore. I knew this was going to happen hosting with some awkward teenager. I should not have put moving off so long. I finally go to move and the computer with my backup dies then the server goes down lol
Yeah, I have a back up from the night before, missing one for a site I just built. Figure if he see's us backing him up, it will motivate him to AT LEAST let us get our back ups.

If not...WOW....WOW.
I said screw it and sold the site I had hosted with him. Fuck it. I do not have the time for this. I run a business offline and a few sites. I do not have the time to deal with this crap.
I don't think HostBeyond will come back. Here are my reasons:

1. if you check hostbeyond thread -> you will see that almost all his posts have been edited

2. His signature: lesson learned. not to rage in forums.

3. posts edited: What date? Last edited by apirateslife; 8th Oct 2009 at 02:04 PM.

Seems like someone hacked his servers or something even worseP.S. I was not a hostbeyond customer, and I am not against him in any ways. I just msde some reasearches on his 1st thread about hostbeyond. Just saying my opinion.
APL up and quit. Not only did he do so with out notice, he left us all stranded with out recent back ups (if you did not have one handy) frankly that is as immature and as pathetic as it gets.

I understand loosing the desire, that is acceptable. But, let your customers know, these customers came to trust well as respect him. Then for him to betray us is just...unacceptable.
It sure looks like he quit, when there was downtime in the past he would atleast give an update within a few hours. Hopefully my backup from sep 11th is okay, /dies.
If he stopped I'm suing. But, that's unlikely. I'm sure if he did he'd refund.

Regardless, I'll be switching hosts. This is unacceptable. Even hostmonster was better than this.
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