Shared - cPanel Hosting 2$ (NL)

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None of my services come with domains, for domains you will be required to go to a third party company such as Dynadot or Namecheap.
I have refunded you your 11.99, and kept your hosting order, you will need to purchase a domain from a company such as Dynadot or Namecheap.
yea I notesed that can you advise which would be safest for a warez site ?
like im trying to keep this all out of reach of my countries gov

and frankly don't know what im doing
I jumped on your company because I assume an Smod would have the experience to know what he is doing hehehe
I think you made the right choice, I am used to people who are starting out asking me questions.

Warez can pretty much be a dangerous game, although it is only usually dangerous when the website gets to become very large 40,000 uv's or more a day, I would consider that somewhat large or when it comes to hosting illegal files (which I do not allow on the server).

I have found that most people prefer to chose Namecheap for warez-linking domains although, I believe no domain registrar is safe due to what happened with megaupload.
yea I did a wee bit of reading and quickly decided Namecheap was for me
I don't plan on hosting anything but text on my website
the wares will be on sites like Netload

it's been a long time since I setup a domain name but all they asked for was 4 name servers (your site only has 2)
shouldn't there be something more to put in ?
like an IP address

also when setting up on your site I used .com (think it was the only option there)
but on Namecheap I used .nl (was way cheaper hehehe)
is this going to be a problem
I have a sense that something else needs to be setup yet for this to work
That seems fine, you only need to have 2 domain name servers, 4 is optional.

all you need to do is put the name servers that will be E-Mailed to you, nothing else, and that is everything done.

I can change your domain to .nl via HiloHost billing software.
yea kinda looks annoying marked wrong hehehe

and the DIR for HTM files should be "public_html" ?
I know it used to be but that was like 6-8 years ago (and some servers where setup dif even back then)

I think there is nothing to do now but wait (domains used to take about 3 days)
Should hopefully take less than 24 hours, it usually only takes around 4 hours. And yes, the public_html files is where you store all the files that you want everyone to be able to access. When you upload your forum software, you will be required to upload quite a few files to the public_html folder and sometimes required to upload sensitive areas to the folder above the public_html folder (this is only in some types of software though)
well im not making a forum
just a quick simple website with all my stuff on it for people to download
then ill try buying traffic and hope to sell some Netload accounts
Best of luck buddy, if you have any questions or queries make sure to let me know either here or at HiloHost support section via a ticket. But please don't contact me on both websites as it can make things confusing.

I tell everyone to contact me over at HiloHost rather than contacting me here, when contacting me at HiloHost I can access everything very fast.
plz tell me shared host server location?
i need urgently host
if u provide Romania,Sweden location so plz pm me i buy host from u :)
Server is in the Netherlands at the Data Center Ecatel. Why do you not want hosting in a different country like the Netherlands?
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