have a very big problem with vbulletin

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heya guys,
i m in a very big problem with my database. at the morning my site was working properly then after at evening i saw a db error :confused: m very confused what should i do. if any one can help me with will be very thank full to u
this is the error
my forum is 3.6.8 but it showing in error that is 3.0.0 and in admincp is 3.6.8 :confused::confused:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, replycount, lastpostid

FROM forum AS forum;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'lastthread' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Saturday, February 9th 2008 @ 01:24:08 AM
Script : http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com/forums/index.php
Referrer :
IP Address : xxxMY IP xxxx
Username : Admin
Classname : vB_Database

pls help me :(
you need to run a update on your database
see if you can loginto the adim area like st0ne said
if not reply back im sure we will sort this:)
ahsannifty Ask your host for support Thank.
its not a host problem its a vbulletin issue
now if he owns the liscence then he may get support depending whats on the forum if not then he will have to get support like this
im sure you host will know nothing about this unless they know vbulletin
Have you recently installed any plugins?

Edit: I took a look at your forum and it looks like you've managed to figure things out for yourself:P
hey michael ... thatz another forum :(
clarksta ..... its even not upgrading my forums :(

Sorry that you're still having problems brotha, I would recommend that you temporary disable all plugins to see if it is a modification you installed behind the error. Add the line "define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);" under "<?php" in your config.php file.
I also suggest reuploading all of your 3.6.8 files.
so what is the problem?
are you still getting the db errors?
is post it here and ill check it out at vbulletin for you
also i would do what michal has sugested

config file:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
thats how that looks btw in your config.php file
@Arden ........ thanks for the cure but i dont know how to make dummy tables on database :( pls help me.......... m doing much but always got failed :( if anyone can do it for me it will better or teach me how to solve it :confused:
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