Search results

  1. W

    Looking for coding + designer

    Hello, I am looking for someone to create a site similar to or Requirements: Unique web 2.0 desgn(layout) Sms sending script i don't have any specific budget so pm me with your offers, downtime & full details. Thank you
  2. W

    Dedicated Dedicated Server

    Well i think this host also run by, b'coz the sever location is same which is Hong Kong and also they used very similar domain 1. 2. I think that both host run by them, but i m not sure but it depends on whois buying the should confirm these...
  3. W

    how to do this?

    Ok But the mod which i gave you and which is using at wjunction, that make better look anyways it is upto you which you like, use it Thanks. Closed
  4. W

    Topsites? It is really Best and Biggest Toplist It is ranking 9,*** On Alexa
  5. W

    how to do this?

    Here you go ? If you have License GO here >>VV If you dont have license Go Here >>VV
  6. W

    Vbulletin Premission Help

    it is cant do i think there is no one who can do these :(
  7. W

    Vbulletin Premission Help

    please tell me instructions
  8. W

    Vbulletin Premission Help

    how super warez doin ?
  9. W

    Vbulletin Premission Help

    i want guest to view all forum topic alll forum section but no board index Like www, doing
  10. W

    Vbulletin Premission Help

    Hello, I want to make Forum Index ( Board Index) should not be able to accessible by guests i want to let them to view some forums and they also can read threads in that forums Guest permission : Can View Forum : NO I have done these see below VVVVVVVV As i have done that the...
  11. W

    Make your Text Animated Without Photoshop (Best Website for All)

    Hello, I got one website to share with you guy's, These website is used to create text animated which will save as image but if you do same thing in photoshop it will take lot of time but with these site you can create your own text animated in less than one minute you just need to type your...
  12. W

    How To Install a vB Skin

    You've found a nice skin/style that you want to install on your forum? GOOD! You can do this in 4 easy steps: 1. download skin's zip file to your computer and extract somewhere on your computer where you'll easily find it. Desktop works best for most people. 2. Most skins come in a...
  13. W

    Remove underline from username and all links

    It is not the best thing to do, but if you really want to remove the underline from all the links on your forum(including user names) here is how. adminCP>Styles & Templates>Style Manager> In the drop down menu next to the style you want to do this on choose Main CSS. Now scroll down the...
  14. W

    How to Set a Skin to Default

    So you have a new vB skin/style and you want to make it your forums' default? No problem! Simply follow the easy instructions below: 1. Log in to your Admin Control Panel (ACP) 2. Go to vBulletin Options 3. On the right, select Style & Language Settings 4. You'll see Default Style...
  15. W

    Change Usergroup Color

    Use this tutorial to change the color of usernames in postbit and the Whos Online box. Many admins do this so that members can distinguish between administrators, moderators and other usergroups. 1. Go into adminCP 2. Usergroups 3. Usergroup Manager 4. on the right, select the...
  16. W Premium Download Links Generators

    Lease Add these too :smug:
  17. W

    Remove - Powered by vBulletin in title tag

    This is one of the more common and useful for all. How to Remove the "- Powered by vBulletin" in page title tags Go to your ADMINCP> Language & Phrases> Search in Phrases In your Phrases Search for: x_powered_by_vbulletin (be sure to choose to search by Phrase Text and Phrase...
  18. W

    Help me with a theme?!

    Kewl Theme man i too like it :)