- Earn up to $40 Reliable Video Host

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Hello Grifthost Users/Uploaders,

We will be holding a contest for the most streams/downloads generated for the month of September. The winners will be announced on the 1st of October and the prizes will be added into the accounts. There will be only 3 winners. The first place winner will receive $100.00. Second Place winner will receive $50.00 and Third Place Winner will received $10.00. All Downloads/Streams/Embed Streams for the month of September will count, so if you already have video views on the month of september, you already are a few steps above everyone else that hasn't started. Videos deleted due to violations or DMCA Removal Requests do not count. We have increased our servers last night so an extra 6 TB storage has been increased in our fileservers. We have also increased the deletion time of File Inactivity from 30 days to 60 days. Files that were deleted due to inactivity will still count for downloads generated in September.

Happy Uploading and may the best uploader win!

Grifthost Admin
Stay away from this lier he said he would not delete porn videos a week later all my porn video were deleted about 200 to 250 videos deleted (finger)

We are sorry about that we had a server malfunction . 2 Servers died out and there was no restoring that file servers as they had to be replaced.

There are still alot of peoples files that are porn located within our other servers.
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Stay away from this lier he said he would not delete porn videos a week later all my porn video were deleted about 200 to 250 videos deleted (finger)

We are sorry about that we had a server malfunction . 2 Servers died out and there was no restoring that file servers as they had to be replaced.

There are still alot of peoples files that are porn located within our other servers.

I do not buy that a week earlier you said a you were not accepting any more porn uploads then everything gets deleted :facepalm:. I think a lot of the downloaders complained about the porn popups so you removed all of them and then you had to deleted all the porn videos to
We are sorry about that we had a server malfunction . 2 Servers died out and there was no restoring that file servers as they had to be replaced.

There are still alot of peoples files that are porn located within our other servers.

I do not buy that a week earlier you said a you were not accepting any more porn uploads then everything gets deleted :facepalm:. I think a lot of the downloaders complained about the porn popups so you removed all of them and then you had to deleted all the porn videos to

Heres some proof : Histats - Summary >

thats the histats for grifthost. if you look on referring sites you can see theres alot of porn users still using our file hosts. It wasnt on purpose to delete your videos. it was just the file server died and the files were lost. We never served porn ads on grifthost. just advertisers that allowed to work with adult sites.
you looser
i write you
listen your customers or you will loose us
stop that idiot 50mb rule
and make countings true
you count wrong:thumbdown:

@kemalettin67 its not nice to call people losers especially if you want their attention. As for customer your not buying anything so your considered a user not a customer. As for your request on lowering the minimum mb for our rewards program we can do that.

Our counting rule is true its not wrong since its the system counting it. We don't provide it with any other rules other than a fully loaded video and giving the same viewer earning potential of $0.05 to prevent abusing the rewards system.
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it makes you answering me
so i win ;)
50mb rule really sux.
and counting is until 1 dollar for others
why you count only 0.05 ?? so strange
anyway we will see what will happen
i am fed up with liars
i wish you make it from 1mb

Actually we talked to a few long term video hosts most of them have only unique views not a $1.00 counting. the reason is that the most video hosts only have a set few adnetworks. More impressions from the same user doesnt actually generate more ad revenue. It actually lowers the ecpm rate since its the same viewer and gives less. When we first started grifthost we had set it as $1.00 but we later realized it was not a good thing and not only that, some people actually try to cheat the system. Since the counting was up to $1.00 a user would use a ip changer like hidemyass or other ip changer programs and load videos all day long just to get that few dollars. So we decided to stop the abuse but also give enough for the max potential earnings without screwing us at the same time.

For the mb amount we will lower to a 1 mb in the next update today in a few hours.

Actually we talked to a few long term video hosts most of them have only unique views not a $1.00 counting. the reason is that the most video hosts only have a set few adnetworks. More impressions from the same user doesnt actually generate more ad revenue. It actually lowers the ecpm rate since its the same viewer and gives less. When we first started grifthost we had set it as $1.00 but we later realized it was not a good thing and not only that, some people actually try to cheat the system. Since the counting was up to $1.00 a user would use a ip changer like hidemyass or other ip changer programs and load videos all day long just to get that few dollars. So we decided to stop the abuse but also give enough for the max potential earnings without screwing us at the same time.

For the mb amount we will lower to a 1 mb in the next update today in a few hours.

More impressions from the same user doesnt actually generate more ad revenue. It actually lowers the ecpm rate since its the same viewer and gives less

make sense man.

and from 1mb will make you popular and brings you more customers i am sure
because as i can see ,not many people interested in your host
its not cool
you guys give effort and you deserve more customers
if you decrease it
from now on i will upload all adult files to your host and start using it more active than before
50mb limit was bad ,believe me
i wish you can earn and also we can earn too
good luck ,i am waiting
Dear Uploaders,

We have finally got back our advertisers that will allow adult content to be displayed along with the advertisers. That does not mean we will show adult ads. It just means that uploaders can now upload adult content videos as for now we can display those videos along with our ads.

We have a 60 day file inactivity which we think is quite reasonable. Also the rewards minimum has changed to a minimum 1MB Only. We hope this will allow all uploaders a bigger chance in entering our contest.

As for the current score board these are the top 3 uploaders on grifthost generating the most downloads for September.

1st Place - Dancemoms
2nd Place - piggychops007
3rd Place - antthenait

There is only 15 days left to generate those downloads. Promote more and win the cash prize!

1st place earns $100.00, 2nd place earns $50.00 and 3rd place earns $10.00.

Good Luck Guys!
How can i get embed code to my selected movies? I can see immediately after upload, but at any later time- i can't. There is no embed link in export, only simple link, forum code and html code.
Ehm.. nearly all of my videos i uploaded today cant be found..

username: tvshowstr'eam' (without ')


download works, only the embed file does not load!
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Tvshowstream did you upload it mp4 format or flv?

If its not in those format you the video player will not work. It takes time for the converter to work.

@tomasis We have added the embed code so that it should now work. and people may grab it on the 1st page of the download url.

Added after 7 Hours 6 minutes:

We have just added another file server to help keep up with the uploads for people uploading. Guys you need to understand that only mp4 file and flv files can be played instantly via the embed player. But if its avi and mkv. that wont play unless the viewer has a divx player or it converts to the mp4 file. But since the contest the conversion time will take several days since alot of you guys uploaded like 2 tb of files in less than 24 hours. I would suggest you guys upload mp4 videos or flv videos if you want the most download/streams.

Good luck to all!
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