Unfortunately, after checking about the affected servers, we found that who we trusted as a partner had betrayed us for the second time and attempted to destroy some of our servers which had their secret passwords. Unfortunately,
@OnlyStream not only betrayed us by opening a new service despite our promises to merge, but also tried to destroy our servers in order to harm our service, which is the biggest competitor in this field.
Unfortunately, the damage to our team before it was material is also psychological. This malicious man wants to harm my interests for his own sake, but it is not the biggest crisis that we have faced over the years. We will compensate users for every corrupted file and help them by uploading files that get more views and we will provide RDP for each user who wants it to speed up this process.
For everyone who re-uploads their files with the most views, we will provide them with a 50% bonus of the next payment made to their account. We marked affected files in yellow dots.
We inform you, that this malicious man seems to be not the first time that he has erected his partners and clients but he has a history of swindling according to what his users did in his previous service PopTM:
About 2 months ago I have requested a withdrawal from Poptm.com after realizing their traffic is shit. I have been contacting them many times getting the same answer, that they have a problem with their payment system. Which is a bit confusing as I have about 550$ there. Anyone has similar...
We was talk 4-5 days ago and i send proof about my traffic, i was gave my root access in yandex metrica. After they accept my traffic is normal and...
First sorry for my english! Poptm is a bunch of liars and i am going to proof why! Do not use this scam network!! I have been using them for 2 weeks...
That network which was managed by OnlyStream also stopped paying its users for 3 months before they close and vanished with their users money to establish a new service called OnlyStream, and we have the necessary evidence to proof this to the WJ administration about everything that has been said in this comment.
Currently; 77 out of 341 server are affected, and the 77 servers are the ones which he got their passwords, as a partner. They’re not that much, but some users have their most files there, so in their case it’s like 40-60% of their files which got affected.
We’re currently partnered with a European company to transfer the affected files, which is costing us a lot of money, but this is the price of keeping your enemies close to you like partners and trust that they will have the same aims you have.
We’re also adding more servers to avoid buffering next weekend as we had extremely bad flowing speed yesterday due to the huge amount of traffic we had, which is most likely the reason behind OnlyStream actions.
We will never give up. Thousands of partners have trusted us with their projects which they rely on, and we will never leave someone abandoned and do what OnlyStream did to his PopTM users.
The time will show us all the reality of this guy and his aims, more and more.
Direct Admin - Bader Alajmi.