gounlimited.to | BANNED FROM WJ

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Well said.

That guy was very negative from the beginning. It must be very frustrating work with partners like that...

I also had problems during a week but I was sure you will try your best to solve them. And finally you got it! We have a stable host right now so thanks for working hard and keep GoUnlimited alive.
Thank you for such kind and warm words dear. Will always do our best for our loyal parents. :couple_mm:
gounlimited system very bad 480 KBPs download? Just a joke! And no buffer video!
Yes, videos don't buffer because the streaming speed is unlimited. As for the downloads, the speed may get lower than usual during peak periods to save the resources from overload and make sure the streaming experience can't be bad, and that's why we have the best streaming speed and the most stable one in the industry, as our priority is the streaming stability, its speed and the people experience with it. If you care about downloads more than views, you should search for another host.
A lot of videos uploaded on gounlimited are been redirected to tazmovies.com and these don't work
I see only 30 seconds of black video. What's happen?
Hi, I'm having trouble uploading files since the last week, for example, I can't upload more than a file per upload, it get stuck at 0%, and even when I try to upload only one video, sometimes it get stuck, sometimes it start uploading at 400kb, sometimes 300kb and sometimes 30000kb. It only happens with gounlimited, I can upload many files at high speed on other servers. Is this because of the huge users migrations to your server?
Hi, I'm having trouble uploading files since the last week, for example, I can't upload more than a file per upload, it get stuck at 0%, and even when I try to upload only one video, sometimes it get stuck, sometimes it start uploading at 400kb, sometimes 300kb and sometimes 30000kb. It only happens with gounlimited, I can upload many files at high speed on other servers. Is this because of the huge users migrations to your server?
Haven't received any similar reports, yet. I checked the logs as well and nothing similar happened to other user.

I highly recommend you to try again using different browser with cache cleared.

Thank you.
hi there gounlimited.. i have an issue here and i need some help please.. i started a conversation with you regarding the issue.. please do respond if you have time.. thanks
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