gounlimited.to | BANNED FROM WJ

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Hope you're doing very well.

We're working to enable it very soon.

Thank you.

Ok nice! I already registered but I am not "trusted" user, I already use support button to text you. I am looking forward to use your hosting. I had pretty high traffic but when Verystream, Openload etc. went off my site is loosing visitors :-/
Ok nice! I already registered but I am not "trusted" user, I already use support button to text you. I am looking forward to use your hosting. I had pretty high traffic but when Verystream, Openload etc. went off my site is loosing visitors :-/

Hope you're doing very well.

If you contacted us regarding the Trusted membership process through the support tickets system, we will get back to you very shortly.

Thank you.
i tried host like ftp://gounlimited.to its worked but now it shows me time out error.


You didnt help to me but i solve this problem. I want to write solve for have same trouble users.

Your ftp ip is :

If someone have same problem try writing host section is "". NOT "ftp.gounlimited.to". And you should choose "Only use plain FTP (insecure)" option on Filezilla Encryption. If you do that you will solve the time out problem and you can will upload videos on your account with FTP Server.

Example connection;
You didnt help to me but i solve this problem. I want to write solve for have same trouble users.

Your ftp ip is :

If someone have same problem try writing host section is "". NOT "ftp.gounlimited.to". And you should choose "Only use plain FTP (insecure)" option on Filezilla Encryption. If you do that you will solve the time out problem and you can will upload videos on your account with FTP Server.

Example connection;
Thank you for sharing this informations, but both are pointing to the same resource. In your case the domain didn't work but the IP did, but in my case and other users case both of them would perfectly work.

I am disappointed of the (you didn't help me) part since I replied your comment very quickly seeking to help you. The only reason of this thread is helping you and all of our partners and nothing else.
Some users on my site just reported to me that they cannot stream because of extremely slow speed. :(
I am aware of that my friend, and ordered 58 server yesterday and installed half of them already. Working to sort it out within hours in worst case. We got more than the double traffic we used to get due to the recent situations in the industry.
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