gounlimited.to | BANNED FROM WJ

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Thanks but i mean something else. I try to cancel uploading by pressed "X" ( https://prnt.sc/myh32l ) but it doesnt work.
I will forward this to our IT team now.

tried everything, it's not a cache/browser fault. it sometimes works, sometimes not, and now it's working randomly.
some files get uploaded, but after dozen of tries. that's really annoying, that i have to waste so much time to upload a file.
Well, no one else reported such thing, at least till now. And I upload many files daily to the service but never faced the mentioned issue.
However, what I have said doesn't mean it's your fault, maybe it's ours but it's affecting limited number of users or maybe affecting you only, that's a possible case as well.

However, could you please send me a video shot of the problem so I can show it to our IT team?
Yes, the host is great for DMCA, but have many many errors, remote upload not work 7-10 hours per day, i tryed from my rapidleech server 10GB/s upload speed i try from other server still PENDING PENDING, THUMBNAIL of 40% of uploaded videos not update and get a blank ugly image collor , if i try to replace, not work, if i try to upload my own image same not update if can't fix please remove it and leave a transparent background that evidence the PLAY button on EMBED and finally the close button of remote uploading it does not work every time.

My suggestion is to separate the spammers of remote upload that upload 5k of videos same time and mark only the stable users that not abuse the remote upload or limit all users 3-4 urls per 10 minutes or more, because rest of us can't upload nothing and i see that is from many days.

Admin please fix all those problems.

Cheers !
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Yes, the host is great for DMCA, but have many many errors, remote upload not work 7-10 hours per day, i tryed from my rapidleech server 10GB/s upload speed i try from other server still PENDING PENDING, THUMBNAIL of 40% of uploaded videos not update and get a blank ugly image collor , if i try to replace, not work, if i try to upload my own image same not update if can't fix please remove it and leave a transparent background that evidence the PLAY button on EMBED and finally the close button of remote uploading it does not work every time.

My suggestion is to separate the spammers of remote upload that upload 5k of videos same time and mark only the stable users that not abuse the remote upload or limit all users 3-4 urls per 10 minutes or more, because rest of us can't upload nothing and i see that is from many days.

Admin please fix all those problems.

Cheers !

I just updated one video snapshot to test and it has been updated in the same time. Could you please try again now and let me know?

And about the URL upload, we don't have abusers, but the system is using limited number of servers to process URL upload queue, and we're working to fix that ASAP. No worries at all.

Let me know if there is further issues you're facing as I would be more than happy to assist you with.
Yes, the host is great for DMCA, but have many many errors, remote upload not work 7-10 hours per day, i tryed from my rapidleech server 10GB/s upload speed i try from other server still PENDING PENDING, THUMBNAIL of 40% of uploaded videos not update and get a blank ugly image collor , if i try to replace, not work, if i try to upload my own image same not update if can't fix please remove it and leave a transparent background that evidence the PLAY button on EMBED and finally the close button of remote uploading it does not work every time.

My suggestion is to separate the spammers of remote upload that upload 5k of videos same time and mark only the stable users that not abuse the remote upload or limit all users 3-4 urls per 10 minutes or more, because rest of us can't upload nothing and i see that is from many days.

Admin please fix all those problems.

Cheers !
lol. you said many errors while you only mentioned 2.

well, to be honest this is host has less problems that others
i didn't face any problem with them till now

i tried their url upload one time to move links from my dedicated server and it was pretty fast
no idea why you're facing problem with their url upload

also update snapshot works fine for me
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lol. you said many errors while you only mentioned 2.

well, to be honest this is host has less problems that others
i didn't face any problem with them till now

i tried their url upload one time to move links from my dedicated server and it was pretty fast
no idea why you're facing problem with their url upload

I mention, URL UPLOAD, THUMBNAIL, CLOSE BUTTON is 3 not 2 i tryed right now update thumbnail still not update, i try to upload my own from PC update only little thumb but not the image on player.
I will forward this to our IT team now.

Well, no one else reported such thing, at least till now. And I upload many files daily to the service but never faced the mentioned issue.
However, what I have said doesn't mean it's your fault, maybe it's ours but it's affecting limited number of users or maybe affecting you only, that's a possible case as well.

However, could you please send me a video shot of the problem so I can show it to our IT team?

I was saying you that i can't cancel some of my URL uploads before a couple of months and you never answered me on that message. :hugging:

What's happening with speed, guys? Video is uploaded yesterday on Openload, and now i'm trying to transfer it with your URL Upload to GoUnlimited, and look at that speed...

Btw i can't cancel that transfer with "
" option... Button sometimes not working...


I find it. As you see, i already reported that problem 2 months ago. :hugging:
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I was saying you that i can't cancel some of my URL uploads before a couple of months and you never answered me on that message. :hugging:

I find it. As you see, i already reported that problem 2 months ago. :hugging:

Cancel button issue has been forwarded to our IT team.

However, thumbnail update works fine in both my and my IT team end. If you still face the problem please clear the cache or use private tab.
your new video embeded frame is out of area, pls fix it for blogger size~~!
We don't have "new" embed frame. :)

URL Upload queue should be fine by now. Limit extended from 50 URL to 100 URL to be added from the Trusted user as well.
Users with no Trusted membership can add 50 link instead of 5 now.
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thanks for trusted membership!!
just joined them couple of days ago and got trusted membership without asking for it

will see how it goes with them
currently still moving my files to them and everything seems promising :)
i don't understand how is it promising??
what is the promising thing :)

my account in (Minimum ads, no profit) mode

but your player show no ads in my website at all!! player works without any ads at all

how can you make money without ads? is there problem with my site or your player has no ads with (Minimum ads, no profit) mode?

player used to show 1 ad only but now its not showing any ads at all

my account in (Minimum ads, no profit) mode

but your player show no ads in my website at all!! player works without any ads at all

how can you make money without ads? is there problem with my site or your player has no ads with (Minimum ads, no profit) mode?

player used to show 1 ad only but now its not showing any ads at all

That's normal. In some GEO's we don't have ads to display sometimes. For example, in Kuwait I see ads in our player during weekends but I don't face any ads during the rest of the week. It depends on the available ads campaigns.

There is nothing you need to worry about.
Username: seanbond981

Date: 2019-03-19
Amount: $XX.12
Oh really? Did you even know that we won't process your payout?

Why didn't you reply this email when we sent you in the same day? Check this:
^ Check the emails and the date.

We tried to process your payout in the same day (Because we send every payout within 24 hours) but you didn't reply our security email.

Check your views details:

It has no refer like regular users which means mostly you traffic is misleading and generated by automatic tools. And when I contacted you seeking for more informations (Which is nice from me asking without banning such user with such activity) you didn't reply the email. It means your traffic is misleading and your email is fake, don't you agree?

Your payout has been rejected and your account banned till you refute what I said cuz your gained views are coming from unusual IP's with no refers and your account email isn't accurate.
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