gounlimited.to | BANNED FROM WJ

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@GO Unlimited

Dear Bader Alajmi, i'm waiting the Compensation program for ("vsystech").

Reuploaded 7516 video. not get reply for this ticket.


Another problem some video on my account :
Conversion stage: Pending in queue #1023

via 2020-03-02 when processed this queue list ?
okey, will wait, so sorry @GO Unlimited im titled today.
You don’t need to be sorry for anything, I am not asking for apology. Your account is fine, you have done nothing wrong so your account isn’t affected.

The case is related to the compensation, you complained about it, so you don’t get it.
You can read my comment again:
Just for your informations, we're not forced to offer anyone any kind of compensation. According to our to our TOS:
GO Unlimited assumes no responsibility for the damaged and / or lost files due to technical errors beyond our control. GO Unlimited is not responsible for the time when it's unavailable.
>> Which has been applied on the service and added to the website since 19/12/2017.

But as a respect to those who trusted us, and wasted their time uploading their data in order to establish a strong partnership with us, we have decided to offer a compensation program, which is beyond our financial abilities, but we're paying for our mistakes and taking the responsibility of our previous decision by doing so.
I am pretty sure you have no idea about the difficulties we're facing to run this compensation program or the money we're spending from our own pockets to run this program since the service income itself isn't enough to cover it, or otherwise you wouldn't be here sharing your negative energy instead of thanking us for doing this beyond expectations work.

Threfor, since you're complaining, your compensation request will be rejected. Your account shouldn't be affected by this, but only your compensation request will be rejected.

And after that, you called me a “kid”, and then you said no, you meant to ask and not to complain, and then you apologized. So as you can see I am not the kid over here.
Okey man, i really sorry about it, i did reupload things, just because i have trust on this site, i had an offer to move to another, but still earning with you. Please, take my compasition request once again. @GO Unlimited
But i did, all process as one of the first users, please once again, gonna stay and earn with your site.
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really need that compasition balance, so sorry
after 14 days waiting for compensation got mail, that it will take additional days, nice

After I read his comment, I already knew that he is like the same with other users who are impatient.
They don't realize the efforts of Gounlimited to make the compensation happen.

haha the next crying kid
I agree with darkestblue, after they complain, disrespectful, ungrateful, impatient then after that they receive a punch on the face to wake them up, they say sorry, regret, some went rage and got deleted on the face of the earth.

Well, can't blame go, after all we are humans :3
But i did all things that get it almost instanly and support, please let people consider about it.
You complained, and then called me a “Kid” and then tried to make it looks like a question instead of a complaint. You tried to took all the roads before apologizing, because from the inside you don’t went to apologize. I can’t pay you from my own money while I am a kind in your eyes, so consider me as a poor kid. ;)
You complained, and then called me a “Kid” and then tried to make it looks like a question instead of a complaint. You tried to took all the roads before apologizing, because from the inside you don’t went to apologize. I can’t pay you from my own money while I am a kind in your eyes, so consider me as a poor kid. ;)
You re not, earning around 300-500$ per month will generate way more than the compasition takes, i apologized was really tilted today and wasnt sure that you re getting my emails.
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look for earlier patient emails that i send to you, about asking few things, was always grateful for answer if you check it
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http://prntscr.com/reulrt let me show an example of ealier emails...
Looks more like tilt, so i dont thing thats anything wrong with it, we are all people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Other users think that they have the right to complain about the compensation.
They fail to realize that Go did that, because he cares about his users, compared to other host that they put down and abandoned their site then run away without paying their users.
Go did the opposite and made the compensation that other host will never do.
That's why I can't take it when someone is disrespectful to Go.
can't they just be grateful that they given us this amazing offer? why need to complain?
seriously I can't understand the reason why???
Other users think that they have the right to complain about the compensation.
They fail to realize that Go did that, because he cares about his users, compared to other host that they put down and abandoned their site then run away without paying their users.
Go did the opposite and made the compensation that other host will never do.
That's why I can't take it when someone is disrespectful to Go.
can't they just be grateful that they given us this amazing offer? why need to complain?
seriously I can't understand the reason why???
but i was trustful, i writed when i finished my reuploades even if i have a lot of video to tag and reupload correcly, so apologized Go so please reconsider my Compasition, there was few people which suggest that i was pissed today.
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Can you reconsider it even? @GO Unlimited
Other users think that they have the right to complain about the compensation.
They fail to realize that Go did that, because he cares about his users, compared to other host that they put down and abandoned their site then run away without paying their users.
Go did the opposite and made the compensation that other host will never do.
That's why I can't take it when someone is disrespectful to Go.
can't they just be grateful that they given us this amazing offer? why need to complain?
seriously I can't understand the reason why???
ye, your point is right, they did good job with recompasition, but he apologized and stayed, and did reupload so not giving him anything for loyality is kind of meh. He learned his lesson i think
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