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GO Unlimited

Active Member
Thread has been permanently closed, discussion thread can be found here.
ProStream announcement on hack can be found here.
Management (Bader’s) announcement pending.
GoUnlimited featured on TorrentFreak & tarnkappe, what next? Other articles here.
GoUnlimited case has come to a close, decision can be found here.


The GO Unlimited service, which may be known by the name of many of you, is one of the oldest services specialized in the field of video hosting. The goal of the service has always been to ensure the provision of a secure and stable platform for its long-term partners, in addition to providing features and characteristics commensurate with their aspirations and of course renewed development in order to ensure keeping pace with industry requirements.

GO Unlimited, 2020

In the year 2020, we seek to transfer the service from the field of traditional video hosting to integrated solutions in this field, by providing advanced tools, some of which were not previously proposed or used in this field, in order to keep pace with the development contained in this industry and its requirements.


Our Goal

Our primary goal is to ensure the long-term stability of the platform and the stability of the services the tools it provides to its partners. We work in GO Unlimited on the basis of long-term plans and not short so as to ensure the opportunity to work for many years and successfully meets the aspirations and aspirations of our partners.

Our work since 2016 and our accomplishments are evidence of this goal that we seek. We will always continue to work on this goal.​

Why us + features?
  • We're standing for a very long term. We already achieved 4 years since 2016.
  • 100% Free, no paid accounts.
  • Truly unlimited, bandwidth, storage, and everything.
  • No time, quality, or speed restrictions at all.
  • HD Video Encoding - Very high quality encoding settings.
  • Video Subtitle - Works even with iOS devices.
  • UltraFast Streaming.
  • Only clean ads.
  • 50GB Max file size per upload using FTP. 12 GB Using browser.
  • Trouble free system, no bugs or technical issues are common to face. 100% Stable.
  • We do offer the fastest payment process in this industry, ever.

Upload Modes:
  • Web-Browser
  • FTP
  • URL
  • API
  • ZOOM

Payout methods:
  • PayPal
  • WebMoney
  • Bitcoin
  • Payment requests are processed within 24 to 48 hours only, even on public holidays and weekends. The minimum is only $10.

  • Do you allow porn? Yes, we do allow porn.
  • Do you display adult ads? No we don't.
  • How long do you host my videos? For porn videos, forever, even if they're inactive. For mainstream content, videos that has no views for connected 60 days will be marked as inactive and get deleted whenever there is a lack of storage.

If you have any suggestions, or inquiries, we will always be glad to hear.
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I got this error when I try to upload.
Working on both reported issues.

Please reply
Other users may also be asking

You need to reply the compensation email to confirm your compensation balance and get your payouts in double.

Kindly make sure you reply our emails with the requested informations.

I was very late to reply to the compensation email. A mistake I made because I did not read the details of your email before ☹️
500 Error on files pages was fixed immediately.

As for the uploading issue, it should be fixed within the next 30 minutes.

Just so you guys know everything as partners, there was a security update causing 502 error for the website pages and 500 error for files/videos pages for the past 45 minutes or so, but it wasn’t for connected 45 minutes but it was coming and disappearing. The security update was actually a migration from our previous domain firewall service into a new one, and everything happened was expected considering the DNS chnage time, which was supposed to take up to 48 hours but thanks to the premium DNS we have; the DNS update didn’t take 2 minutes since we applied it after taking the necessary actions on the web servers such as whitelisting the concerned IPs of the firewall services. We’re currently whitelisting our files servers IPs on the new firewall service to bring the upload online again, and as our IT manager said, 60% of them were already whitelisted so far.
Error: !DOCTYPE htmlhtmlheadtitleDDOS-GUARDtitlemeta charset=utf-8meta name=viewport content=width=device-width,initial-scale=1script src=https:www.recaptcha.netrecaptchaapi.js async defer=deferscriptscript src=https:code.jquery.comjquery-3.4.1.min.js integrity=sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo= crossorigin=anonymousscriptstyle*{margin:0;padding:0}body,html{font:400 16px clear-sans,sans-serif;height:100%;background:linear-gradient(to top,#e5f3fb,#fff)}.main{width:600px;margin-bottom:35px}#title{font-size:36px;font-weight:900;margin- +++++++++++++++++

what is this error, cant upload file.
Error: !DOCTYPE htmlhtmlheadtitleDDOS-GUARDtitlemeta charset=utf-8meta name=viewport content=width=device-width,initial-scale=1script src=https:www.recaptcha.netrecaptchaapi.js async defer=deferscriptscript src=https:code.jquery.comjquery-3.4.1.min.js integrity=sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo= crossorigin=anonymousscriptstyle*{margin:0;padding:0}body,html{font:400 16px clear-sans,sans-serif;height:100%;background:linear-gradient(to top,#e5f3fb,#fff)}.main{width:600px;margin-bottom:35px}#title{font-size:36px;font-weight:900;margin- +++++++++++++++++

what is this error, cant upload file.
Can you spend a second reading my comment above yours?
As for the uploading issue, it should be fixed within the next 30 minutes.
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