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they should?? they have closed it without any news or statement...

and that's a big shit of them to not inform their costumers cause without all of us they wouldn't earn ANYTHING!!!!
Site off-line?

First I think that it might be my browser cache, so I clear all my cache. Then site back to working.

But for now, it appear to be off-line. Please help me check this.
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Website Offline, No Cached Version Available

The website you are trying to access is currently offline. The most likely causes are the server is down for maintenance, there may be a network problem, or the site may be experiencing excessive load.

The site uses CloudFlare in order to help keep it online when the server is down by serving cached copies of pages where they are available. Unfortunately, a cached copy of the page you requested is not available, but you may be able to reach other cached pages on the site.

If you continue to receive this error after you believe the site is back online, you can retry a live version of the
when site is down how affiliate program is ON, I had told you before
these are POP UP companies leech your last few cents in your pockets.

They appear suddenly, keeps alive for a while and then they dissapear
Mostly these are leechers try to leech the money from the members search new hosts.
And they thought OPENING A NEW HOST is a kid play. And then they saw its fucking hard work and they can see they can not afford it and they got money and they run away.

Mostly these type companies are appear at the time other big companies are not there.

THEY ARE SCAVENGERS AND VULTURES appear after the lions are away from carrions.

They appear suddenly, keeps alive for a while and then they dissapear
Mostly these are leechers try to leech the money from the members search new hosts.
And they thought OPENING A NEW HOST is a kid play. And then they saw its fucking hard work and they can see they can not afford it and they got money and they run away.

Mostly these type companies are appear at the time other big companies are not there.

THEY ARE SCAVENGERS AND VULTURES appear after the lions are away from carrions.

Do Glumbo have pop-ups? I don't know cos I have an ad blocker.
nooooo pop up does not mean POP UP, pop up = appears SUDDENLY and these SMALL companies are not professional companies. They are likes BUBBLES. While they are flying
they are good, but when they blow up, you cry. I never count on small companies.
I had told it several times,, ,,, Filekeen, FileHook,.....aand I say these companies and are totaly ZERO quality companies.
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