I no longer have demo's setup for the €4-5 plans
I give my demo's mostly of the 10GB ported SAS server
gona give a demo make it an impressive one hehehe
I also have demo's for the 50GB plan which is 500MBps upload
but the €4-5 plans are only 200MBps
here are some snapshots of the uptime from my cheaper plans though
taken just a few min after typing this
10GB Game
15GB Canada
I think you can plan on about 1 reboot a week on most of them
even if I had demo's for them a 2 day window wouldn't really tell you anything
I don't seem to be having much trouble with my servers crashing lately though
I suspect I was under attack from a competitor and now I just have to many servers for him to target effectively hehehe
I have 18 servers now and one more on the way