people be advised we believe "
codehtcmail" IS the Hacker
secondly there was a Small attack today (to strong a word really)
from the form of the attack I believe this hacker currently has no true admin access
he is trying to trick our staff into running a file for him
if he had admin access he would not bother trying to trick the staff he would just run it himself
I am 95% sure I know how he is doing this current attack
but im not not sure how to block it without blocking something extremely important and used by all our clients
we are looking into an alternative option though
also be warned if he knows what I think he knows
NO RDP provider would be safe
I myself could use this form of attack to destroy any server I like in just a matter of minutes
and there is currently no defense
just know this is not a personal failing from us
it's an exploitable aspect of a common program found in ALL RDP servers
the program is just as common to RDP as Firefox
O and I never got his email
not that I would ever pay blackmail anyway