—From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

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must be the newest NL 10GB port server

the DC's hard boot option isn't working
and there support is not accomplishing much so far
all I can do is wait on them
I am costumer more than year and a half... I believe that you advertized that ticket answering is on average 1,5Hrs yet no one solved my problem nor answered my ticket for more than 24hrs.
System is not sending notification emails anymore. I was on pause for 15 days and entire thing turned upside down.

Added after 9 Hours 41 minutes:

Problem is solved, it took a while but I am satisfied how it ended.
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at the moment it's 2.4 hours today Screenshot by Lightshot
one day last week it was just over an hour
keeps changing

not sure what you mean by "notification emails"
or on pause

the system is still sending emails as I myself am getting them
maybe yours are getting dumped in spamm
Utorrent is a peace of crap that can only be ran this way
when you install it properly it resides in the installers user folders and no one else can see it let-alone use it
I have tried copying the files to peoples desktop but even that don't work
the only fix is to put them in a rar and have the user extract himself

I just tested the new copy and once again it installed into my user folders
Utorrent makers want you to buy and install your own copy

ive tried installing an old copy but people keep updating and braking it
got sic of the daily requests to fix it so I went this rut


I tried copying it's folder to base C and running from a test account and got this
just not true
I suspect utorrent themselves have done something trying to force every user to buy it
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at the moment it's 2.4 hours today Screenshot by Lightshot
one day last week it was just over an hour
keeps changing

not sure what you mean by "notification emails"
or on pause

the system is still sending emails as I myself am getting them
maybe yours are getting dumped in spamm

As I wrote, no one solved my problem nor replied to my ticket for more than 24 hours until you showed up and fixed problem.

Messages were not in spam, they were non existing. When I say notification email, I mean one that you should receive when you open ticked or when someone replies to your ticket and no, they were not in spam folder which i do not empty until it's checked for false positives.

After that I got email that requested email verification, needless to say again, I am costumer year and a half and never had such problems before. To be precise service was next to perfect for most of the time, this is first such problem.
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well im pleased I was able to fix the problem for you whatever it was
but im so busy I just can't deal with everything myself
have to use staff and depend on them to flag the important stuff for me
I do have some pretty good staff now to
but some times things fall threw the cracks
check to make sure your ticket didn't some how get closed
I went to reply to a guy this-morning about his dedicated server order and the bloody ticket was missing
turned out the system had auto closed it (not sapost to do that)
iv never used the auto close and im not even sure where it is but will have to track it down now

as for not getting emails that must be something in your account
with nearly 7K clients I surly would be flooded with complaints if it where a problem in the system
well im pleased I was able to fix the problem for you whatever it was
but im so busy I just can't deal with everything myself
have to use staff and depend on them to flag the important stuff for me
I do have some pretty good staff now to
but some times things fall threw the cracks
check to make sure your ticket didn't some how get closed
I went to reply to a guy this-morning about his dedicated server order and the bloody ticket was missing
turned out the system had auto closed it (not sapost to do that)
iv never used the auto close and im not even sure where it is but will have to track it down now

as for not getting emails that must be something in your account
with nearly 7K clients I surly would be flooded with complaints if it where a problem in the system

Still, my account is on your website and I haven't changed anything. I hope that it will work now.
You have been hacked !! Giga-RDP has been hacked and the hacker is deleting stuff from the accounts and also deleting tickets that reported the hack.
Go change your important passwords and check your accounts.
Giga-RDP has been hacked completely !!
hmmmm the log dose show a couple tickets being deleted (by me) so I have changed my admin pass
only 2 tickets and they are from the same user
im guessing you are that user

the server he/you have a slot on has NOT had a bunch of files deleted
at-least there is still a lot of space being used

if someone where actually attacking the system we would be flooded with people coming in to complain
at last count I have over 7K clients and 1200 active
you where most likely attacked personally for some reason
but I am bothered by the possibility that someone hacked my admin pass
I didn't delete them tickets so it seems probable that your correct about that

cursed hackers (never ending pain in the....)

I found the hackers access point
this would have no threat to my RDP servers all it did was allow him to log into my website using my login
browser hack
iv changed my pass and not updated the browser he was hacking (on an RDP)
id say this is vary low impact
he COULD have made a big mess but he didn't and now he is blocked out
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Very low impact? I can't log in to my account now so maybe the hacker has deleted my slot it or changed the password. Probably all the files are deleted from the server now.
at the time of posting that there hadn't been any attacks on my servers
now there have been some massive attacks on them
huge amounts of data lost

I have most of the user accounts remade (check your emails)
but I can't restore the lost data

for the moment iv had to lock out all my staff as I think it was one of them

all servers are back ready for use but one
all client accounts remade cept about 15 on one server needing to be re installed
876 RDP clients active rate now so im please with getting them back active again so soon after the attack
however I am sorry for the loss of data
remaking slots is a lot easier then recovering deleted files
that would take weeks to complete on so many servers and I would have to shut them down while doing it or corrupt the data
so this means I can't do anything about the lost data

I have also restored about 1/2 of my staff
just way to much for me to manage alone
still thinking on what to do about the rest
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People be carefull, the hackers are still there and today they stole money from one of my accounts, although I have changed the passords 2 times and changed my password connection to the RDP, so obviously he/they have access to our slots as admins, you have been warned. Also I have contatced the admin about the problem since hours about that and he still didn't answer.
I am putting an end to my use of Giga-RDP and closing all my browsers and clearing all history and data.
People be carefull, the hackers are still there and today they stole money from one of my accounts, although I have changed the passords 2 times and changed my password connection to the RDP, so obviously he/they have access to our slots as admins, you have been warned. Also I have contatced the admin about the problem since hours about that and he still didn't answer.
I am putting an end to my use of Giga-RDP and closing all my browsers and clearing all history and data.

of course i still have access :)

Admin decided not to contact me :)

So.. no problem...

and please stop crying ... it was an amount of 50€... thats nor much for a person who make ~ 250€ / Mont with just one hoster and ILLEGAL! Uplaods!

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people be advised we believe "codehtcmail" IS the Hacker
secondly there was a Small attack today (to strong a word really)
from the form of the attack I believe this hacker currently has no true admin access
he is trying to trick our staff into running a file for him
if he had admin access he would not bother trying to trick the staff he would just run it himself

I am 95% sure I know how he is doing this current attack
but im not not sure how to block it without blocking something extremely important and used by all our clients
we are looking into an alternative option though

also be warned if he knows what I think he knows
NO RDP provider would be safe
I myself could use this form of attack to destroy any server I like in just a matter of minutes
and there is currently no defense

just know this is not a personal failing from us
it's an exploitable aspect of a common program found in ALL RDP servers
the program is just as common to RDP as Firefox

O and I never got his email
not that I would ever pay blackmail anyway
U must change ur pay out to 2 factors and no one can take your money anymore

I have had several other rdp services and my accounts hacked too
its not related to pertecular rdp
when you are uploader ,there are so many ways that hackers can get ur pass

I am in giga for 2 years ,no one stole money from my UL RG FF HF UR accounts
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