—From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

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im not sure what your trying to say
but if you pay with skrill then you need to post a snapshot as proof (in a ticket not here)
then your invoice will be marked paid and you will have your slot in a few min
I just want to appreciate your
nice service [with full appz]
great support
cheap price

before your service I tried 3 of other rdp providers that I can even say their services names ,
all of them are not even close to your service
one of them doesn't have even idm , they say idm causes server to restart and without several imp appz which are necessary for uploaders/encoders
then why your servers don't restart even for half a month !! with the idm version 6.23.xx for exp in ip= **.50 server
another rdp provider took 1 week to answer my tickets
another one restarts without reason ,full of virus...

I never said to any service before but honestly you are the best rdp provider in the market [as much as i know]

I just realized I must appreciate your hard work and nice service
hehe thanks
allways nice to get good posts
it dose get depressing with so many complaints
but with so many servers there is always some problem somewhere and the complaints flood in

as for IDM I have never had that problem with it
for a while there it's crack wouldn't keep working and I tried some other programs
but IDM is kinda a must in this business
I do seem to recall some conflict with it like a year ago
but can't recall what it was
guess we overcame the problem hehehe
it's a glitch caused by something on your end
though many do experience it I never have and most don't

the simplest fix is to disable the REQ to change your pass on first entry
problem is when I use a mass default pass to remake slots after a re install
everyone knows that pass and if you don't change it your data is insecure
I used to not include the rew to change your pass and ran into a lot of problems fare worse then helping a few get connected
hi there do you allow puplic torrents downloading not seeding on your rpd? no seeding downloading only ?

or you seedboxes ? and what speed is the downloads o the seed box?


yes downloading is fine long as you don't seed back

the seed boxes are 100-150MBps
but you don't' have to deal with other users causing problems
RDP is full of problems cause it allows users to much access and some people just wont behave
54 ?
honistly I don''t manage the seed boxes and don't know
but if you need that many you would be better off to buy a dedicated server
be around 75EU and 56 seedboxes would be over 250EU
hey @amartin99, i currently got a free rdp from you for advertising your RDP banner of my site, the problem is i wanted a 10gb US slot but i got FR, is there anyway i can shift to US, really need us one.
I don't manage the seed boxes but I think there are some left yes
a few days ago there manager was working on auto setup (dono if he finished)
if not then would likely be inside of 12 hours

FR or US it makes little dif to us
just the bother of moving you
open a ticket and see if you find a staff member in a good mood
these little slots are hardly worth the bother hehehe
I don't manage the seed boxes but I think there are some left yes
a few days ago there manager was working on auto setup (dono if he finished)
if not then would likely be inside of 12 hours

FR or US it makes little dif to us
just the bother of moving you
open a ticket and see if you find a staff member in a good mood
these little slots are hardly worth the bother hehehe

i already did ask them and they say on FR slot as free advertising, anyways i am trying again, lets hope they listen to me this time :D
The owner of giga is the most honest business man that I have ever met

This is my gratitude to the owner of giga-rdp service for his great service
indeed high upload speed with nice support system also staff who know what they are doing !!

thanks martin
I took 27 hours waiting for my Private RDP without knowing when it will be ready.

Edit: Solved with a better plan.
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