- Official support thread

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Again what is the limit to earnings per IP in a single day? When an uploader serves thousands of files, surely there are repeat IP downloads for various files from the same downloaders, so what is their limitation? I definitely don't download my own files so I'm asking cause I want to know how limited we are to actually earning with you because it seems like it is impossible so far.

If it is under $1.00, I'll move on because I've never once been able to crack a dollar in a single day with your service and it is crap to limit people's earnings who actually do get thousands of downloads. Regardless of you paying affiliates I still feel you're cheating them and limiting earnings per day to a very low amount.

You basically have people limited to where they cannot earn in a month to even pay for a premium for the month. What is the point in using your host when there is no chance of profitability to an uploader? I'm already sick of reuploading files you keep deleting within 30 days too and since I can't buy a premium cause your limited earnings, no point in using you anymore. Still no FTP either.

You also still did not address my question about my blog showing my that my visitors are 92% USA people and how would that equate to your system telling me that the download traffic is 100% from your Group D $0.50 earnings table (the lowest in your affiliate table by the way). That would be impossible!
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Hello I wish to pay via Pay Dao account 7 days but I continue to Standard Account, I've paid through sms and I paid € 10 which is a lot. My nick : serenity35. Thank you.
Again what is the limit to earnings per IP in a single day? When an uploader serves thousands of files, surely there are repeat IP downloads for various files from the same downloaders, so what is their limitation? I definitely don't download my own files so I'm asking cause I want to know how limited we are to actually earning with you because it seems like it is impossible so far.

If it is under $1.00, I'll move on because I've never once been able to crack a dollar in a single day with your service and it is crap to limit people's earnings who actually do get thousands of downloads. Regardless of you paying affiliates I still feel you're cheating them and limiting earnings per day to a very low amount.

You basically have people limited to where they cannot earn in a month to even pay for a premium for the month. What is the point in using your host when there is no chance of profitability to an uploader? I'm already sick of reuploading files you keep deleting within 30 days too and since I can't buy a premium cause your limited earnings, no point in using you anymore. Still no FTP either.

You also still did not address my question about my blog showing my that my visitors are 92% USA people and how would that equate to your system telling me that the download traffic is 100% from your Group D $0.50 earnings table (the lowest in your affiliate table by the way). That would be impossible!
Each file sharing site have their own tier per download per same IP , and that will depend on the country of the download .the 30 day file's life time is filevice standards and we believe is competitive as other file sharing sites do have the same concept . And with regard to your blog question , our download count is accurate and it does count the correct downloads . We have many users who get paid hundred of dollars each every week from filevice and they been with us for over 4 months with no complains . i would suggest that you check the GEO location of your visitors to your blog . There is no issue with filevice download count , and the high paid affiliates are supporting our claim . If you have further questions , please open a support ticket , and i am sure one of our staff can look further into your account and give you specific details . Thanks
I guess I'll ask a 3rd time since you seem to conveniently not reply to it.

What is the earning limit for a single IP? I want to know how limited uploaders are to actually earning with their downloaders. Pretty fair question to receive an honest reply.
I guess I'll ask a 3rd time since you seem to conveniently not reply to it.

What is the earning limit for a single IP? I want to know how limited uploaders are to actually earning with their downloaders. Pretty fair question to receive an honest reply.
The answer will be that It will depend on the country they are downloading from . The tier per 1 ip is implemented to avoid any fraud and to prevent people from misuse our system , which is a requirement as many file sharing sites are using this system . if there was no limit capped to the download per 1 single IP address , it will be impossible to control and prevent fraud . Hope we have answered all your inquiries in good manners , so please open a support ticket if you have any further inquiry .
Well you haven't answered anything so I'll be even more specific.

What are your earning limits per IP for each Group? So basically what you're saying is, your system is in place to prevent "fraud" and limits uploaders earnings for any downloads coming from the same IP. Can you please explain why if an uploader has popular files that downloaders want how that would be fraud when you have the repeat customers so to speak for many of your files?

I think the only fraud would be saying we can earn certain amounts but then not truly be able to earn those amounts because of your earnings limitations which have nothing to do with fraud prevention and everything to do with earnings prevention.
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Well you haven't answered anything so I'll be even more specific.

What are your earning limits per IP for each Group? So basically what you're saying is, your system is in place to prevent "fraud" and limits uploaders earnings for any downloads coming from the same IP. Can you please explain why if an uploader has popular files that downloaders want how that would be fraud when you have the repeat customers so to speak for many of your files?

I think the only fraud would be saying we can earn certain amounts but then not truly be able to earn those amounts because of your earnings limitations which have nothing to do with fraud prevention and everything to do with earnings prevention.
The download tier per single IP address is set per 24 Hours period only , so the cap is only valid for 24 hours , and it will reset itself again. please open support ticket for any further inquiry . Thanks
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What are your earning limits per IP for each Group within 24 hours? I'm not interested in sending you a support ticket. I'm asking you here in your "support" thread.

Fourth time asking.
What are your earning limits per IP for each Group within 24 hours? I'm not interested in sending you a support ticket. I'm asking you here in your "support" thread.

Fourth time asking.
This thread for notices , announcements and light technical support , for any payment inquiry , contact support if you are interested . The download per single Ip will depends on the country of downloads as Max money last 24 hours as mentioned before and it could go between .01 cents to .10 cents .Each site has their own rules about how many downloads they count per IP per day, we choose to count a maximum of one tier 1 download per IP per day. Hope that does answer your question now . Please contact support for further inquiry .
there does seem to be a problem with the stats


It seems some how my plan was change to PPS when I had it at PPD all this time

I had to change it back to PPD
there does seem to be a problem with the stats


It seems some how my plan was change to PPS when I had it at PPD all this time

I had to change it back to PPD

Same here. it looks like had an automatic change to sales only, my plan was PPD and automatically changed to Sales...
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