- Official support thread

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Affiliate page says up to 50% of each premium sold, not 75%.

Pretty obvious you've cut rates again on your side too. 136 downloads and only earned $0.053 on those?

That's less than your lowest payout rate in Tier D of $0.60. At this rate I'd only earn $0.36 for 1000 downloads. What kinda crap is that? Sad part about it too is these are 400MB files, not 1-50MB files.

We'll never see another honest host, I swear.

EDIT: Actually I don't care anymore. You're just dishonest and it clearly shows. See ya and thanks for wasting mine and other people's time with false info and tampered settings.
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Filevice is a honest site, they always pay in time for me and others members. I never had any problem with rates, works fine here. At this time Is hard to find another site with rates better than they.
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I'm sorry, they aren't honest and 300 downloads with $0.11 earnings is far far far from honest. I guess another host just has to lose their payment gateways again. If the affiliates can't profit due to dishonestly of the host then the host won't be either.
Well, I am still Ok with these rates because they are one of the very few filehosts who always pay on time and are paying through the most preferred payment methods i.e Webmoney and Payza

I have more 455MB and more 100-300MB size of files, and my counter show that:
2013-04-14 17 / $0.1040 ($0.006 / DL)
2013-04-15 3 / $0 ($0.000 / DL)

I and my downloaders are in Hungary, so the numbers do not add up. And how is that possible, I have 3 downloads (211-455MB files) and I get $0?
Profit Mode: Download
It is like this guys. A host can post whatever sounds attractive on their website in their affiliate table, post what sounds attractive here in a support, I mean advertising thread but that does not mean that is what they actually have their settings set to behind the scenes for affiliates to actually earn what they advertise. There is no way anyone would ever be able to prove they are dishonest and not legit with their business. Getting hundreds of downloads and only seeing a few pennies earned is pretty much all the proof anyone would ever need to see they have the settings on their end to not allow the earnings they promote. Plain and simple!

I will guarantee without a doubt he has every single country sitting in Tier D in his options only allowing people to earn the lowest rates listed in the affiliate table being $0.60 to $1.00 for 1000 downloads. It seems to be the way many hosts started cheating their affiliates.

Once again, kind of hard to believe when you have thousands of links posted in a blog where I see my own traffic and 92% of my visitors are from the US but then a host wants me to believe that all of my downloads are coming from Tier D BFE countries only netting me $0.60 or less for 1000 downloads. Also with files at 400mb and larger that would indicate even more that my earnings should be on average of at least $8-14 per 1000 downloads. Some people weren't born in a barn yesterday I'm afraid.
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There is absolutely nothing sneaky being done behind the scenes as you are suggeting. I'm sorry to say your statements are completely untrue. We do clarify exactly what the limitations are on our website as far as rates. To prevent fraud we do not count your downloads that are made from the same IP address as the uploader (which is pretty obvious), and there is a cap of the amount of revenue generated from each IP address within a 24hr period to prevent the uploader trying to scam us. We provide a quality service and helpful support, and we are shocked at the number of people who try to scam our system. But nevertheless, we continue to be helpful and kind to all our members and pay out on time which, unfortunately, isn't something that is common amongst other file sharing services.

Added after 5 minutes:

Stooky, I can see from the general tone of your posts that regardless of whatever we do, you'll find a way to criticise it and try to damage our reputation. We are simply running a useful service to help people share legitimate files. The previous database crash was nothing malicious - it hurt us just as much as you. It was bad timing as our senior server administrator was travelling on that day and didn't have internet access to fix the issue. Since then we have taken steps to train another team member to help quickly resolve issues like that should they occur (even though this was the first time this particular error has occurred). So please try to be a bit kinder and not assume the worst of us.
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Please add filename at direct link.
It will be easy when i use automatic tool to add those links.
Please give me free premium storage to upload.
My account is redjav.
There is absolutely nothing sneaky being done behind the scenes as you are suggeting. I'm sorry to say your statements are completely untrue. We do clarify exactly what the limitations are on our website as far as rates. To prevent fraud we do not count your downloads that are made from the same IP address as the uploader (which is pretty obvious), and there is a cap of the amount of revenue generated from each IP address within a 24hr period to prevent the uploader trying to scam us. We provide a quality service and helpful support, and we are shocked at the number of people who try to scam our system. But nevertheless, we continue to be helpful and kind to all our members and pay out on time which, unfortunately, isn't something that is common amongst other file sharing services.

Added after 5 minutes:

Stooky, I can see from the general tone of your posts that regardless of whatever we do, you'll find a way to criticise it and try to damage our reputation. We are simply running a useful service to help people share legitimate files. The previous database crash was nothing malicious - it hurt us just as much as you. It was bad timing as our senior server administrator was travelling on that day and didn't have internet access to fix the issue. Since then we have taken steps to train another team member to help quickly resolve issues like that should they occur (even though this was the first time this particular error has occurred). So please try to be a bit kinder and not assume the worst of us.

Then please go into details on your limitations because I find it odd that I can earn 3-4 times as much in a single day with other hosts, yet only a few pennies a day on hundreds of downloads with your host. None of my earnings should equal lower than what your affiliate table offers even for the lowest payout rate which is also hard to believe that every single time I hit 1000 downloads it is Group D at only $0.50. Please don't say it is my traffic because that is a bunch of BS. You're basically trying to justify that every single download I get and have ever received is from a Group D $0.50 payout rate for files that are 400mb or higher. I'm not buying it and no you aren't providing a quality service. I've had over 30,000 downloads and every single time it is your lowest payout rate of $0.50. My blog where I offer my links has a 92% USA traffic rate. So please explain how that equates to the majority of my downloads are from Group D countries?
Stooky, as I mentioned we deliberately have certain fraud filtering enabled on our system which will limit the revenue you can generate for 1 specific IP (downloader) in a 24hr period. In order to protect the integrity of our system, I will not go into detail about exactly how that works but I have provided a clear enough overview here. Google doesn't go into detail about how their search engine ranking algorithm works because they don't want people to game their system. Same for us. On a daily basis we get people trying to game our system and defraud us so we have to put those limits in place otherwise we'll be out of business tomorrow.

If you've dealt with file hosting services long enough you'll know that there are companies that crop up and then go out of business quickly, largely because they are run into the ground by fraudulent affiliates. There aren't a lot of file hosting services that can offer PPD commissions on a long-term basis because it's difficult to keep the sites profitable. We want to be around for the long-term and we have shown our commitment by paying all affiliates weekly where there aren't a lot of other file hosting services that do that.

The question I would ask you is that if you're being truthful, why wouldn't you use (what you claim to be) are higher paying alternative hosts? Is it because they don't pay out regularly or on time? Or you don't trust them? Why would you spend so much time hassling Filevice when we are consistently looking after our users and affiliates? I'm sure you can see by my messages that we genuinely care about our users - I have plenty of other things to do with my time than responding to your critiques, but I do it anyway because I care about our reputation. If I can't make you happy, then I will just focus on the 99.999% of other users who are very happy with our service.
Bad rate or it is very virtual.
It is not a true money. I see the Japan is in Group C. My file size is 501MB.
So my rate is 10$ per 1000 downloads.
But my money which i have been gotten is wrong.
Please check it
2013-04-17 | 202 / $0.8754 | 0 / $0 | $0 | $0 | $0.8754
Add filename in Publish Link
Stooky, as I mentioned we deliberately have certain fraud filtering enabled on our system which will limit the revenue you can generate for 1 specific IP (downloader) in a 24hr period. In order to protect the integrity of our system, I will not go into detail about exactly how that works but I have provided a clear enough overview here. Google doesn't go into detail about how their search engine ranking algorithm works because they don't want people to game their system. Same for us. On a daily basis we get people trying to game our system and defraud us so we have to put those limits in place otherwise we'll be out of business tomorrow.

If you've dealt with file hosting services long enough you'll know that there are companies that crop up and then go out of business quickly, largely because they are run into the ground by fraudulent affiliates. There aren't a lot of file hosting services that can offer PPD commissions on a long-term basis because it's difficult to keep the sites profitable. We want to be around for the long-term and we have shown our commitment by paying all affiliates weekly where there aren't a lot of other file hosting services that do that.

The question I would ask you is that if you're being truthful, why wouldn't you use (what you claim to be) are higher paying alternative hosts? Is it because they don't pay out regularly or on time? Or you don't trust them? Why would you spend so much time hassling Filevice when we are consistently looking after our users and affiliates? I'm sure you can see by my messages that we genuinely care about our users - I have plenty of other things to do with my time than responding to your critiques, but I do it anyway because I care about our reputation. If I can't make you happy, then I will just focus on the 99.999% of other users who are very happy with our service.

Then say what the limit of earnings can be earned by same IP in a single day then? What you say is contradictory of each other. You say you don't count downloads from the uploader, that's perfectly fine and understandable as all hosts do this but then why put a limit on the amount that can be earned by someone else who is wanting your files? So once again this just further solidifies that people cannot earn what you promote because you limit what they can earn. You're basically denying the uploader any profits of downloaders who take an interest in what we offer. Someone comes along, leeches our content, we don't get credited for it because of your so called earnings limitation.

Please don't try to label this as some type of fraud prevention when really it is just set in place for earning prevention. Honestly out of all of the hosts I've used, your earnings have been the utmost lowest.

618 downloads = $0.23 = a big joke!
Stooky ,

it seems that the issue you have with the download count is individual . Filevice download count is working up to speed and it does capture all legit and correct downloads . We have paying top payouts to our affiliates on time for the past 4 months . And we have many loyal users who are fully satisfied with filevice functionality and payment structure . Thanks
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