Active Member
you don't pay 2 times for week? last weeks i recived 2 payments ... in wmz
We did early payments last week because of the server outage , and to compensate our user for the download loss . Minimum payout is $20. We pay weekly, every Tuesday for the previous Monday to Sunday. To receive your payout on Tuesday make sure it is requested well before .you don't pay 2 times for week? last weeks i recived 2 payments ... in wmz
I would suggest the following basic trouble shooting steps and see if it could help , some advance uploader are familiar with the below, and they do refer to it in many cases :Remote upload ... Error: File download failed:503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
We are planning in doing it in the future . It will require more servers and more technical work , and that does take time . Thanks@ filevice
You can download files up to 500 MB as a guest.
Please register for free to download this file.
pls increase it to 1GB or atleast 800MB
payout for all the users for this week is done . what payout are you inquiring about ? if you submitted your payment after the 6 Feb , then you will be paid on 13th Feb . Please check the site payout system .
You have been emailed to contact support 3 days ago. Please contact our support to speed up the process of your payment2013-02-01$26.45PENDING
I requested mine long before.
Try a remote upload from a different source site/server (this will confirm if the issue is related to the original source server). The source server could have resource limits slowing the speed, be overloaded or there could be a number of different factors affecting their performance.Remote upload today : Upload speed:5 KB/Sec :facepalm::facepalm:
it is set to unlimited file downloads for premium users . ThanksAre there any download limits for premium users? If yes, what limits?
I need it for my comparison: http://www.wjunction.com/102-file-host-discussion/165362-download-limit-overview-file-hosts.html
You have been emailed to contact support 3 days ago. Please contact our support to speed up the process of your payment
pls PM your user name and issue to me and i will look up now for you and PM you the answer ASAPI searched the email you talk about, they didn't send me anything. I already contacted support, not really helping actually.
I saw that you already got a reply from our support with regard to your case . and they did respond to your tickets .I searched the email you talk about, they didn't send me anything. I already contacted support, not really helping actually.