
We are happy to present you our FileHosting, FilesUniverse.
We are a FileHosting service.
With our affiliation program you can earn money for your files that you sharing it in sites, forums, blogs and social networks. Our affiliation program is accessible to any registered user on
We have only few little limits, we purpose Premium subscriptions low cost, we give to our users a very good speed for free and all of this with high rates of PPD for our Affiliates.
Our affiliation program is available on
Rewards program - Session of 1 month
Start the 20 April 2016 - End the 20 May 2016
- We offer 200 € for all Affiliates who make 300 000 downloads or more for his files during this period.*
- We offer 100 € for all Affiliates who make 150 000 downloads or more for his files during this period.*
- We offer 75 € for all Affiliates who make 100 000 downloads or more for his files during this period.*
- We offer 50 € for the 5 best Affiliates who make at least 50 000 downloads of his files during this period.*
* You can win only 1 reward by session.
Conditions to participate to the Rewards program :
Only downloads of files with an filesize of 151 Mb minimum are counted.
Only downloads come from countries in Tier 1 or Tier 2 are counted.
Our Features
* Users can upload up to 10GB files for Members and 15GB for Premium Members
* Users can upload via Web upload, Remote upload and FTP Upload
* Users can upload many files at the same time
* 1 TB Storage Space for Members and Unlimited for Premium
* Inactive files are deleted after 30 days without downloads for non-registered users, 90 days for Members and never for Premium Members
* Speed for Uploads/Downloads is limited but fast for non-registered users and Members, and Unlimited for Premium
* HD videos streaming compatible PC/Tablet/Mobile
* High level of data security
* Dedicated support
* Supported Download Accelerator
and more !
Special Features
We have a system that allow you to become a Commercial, you can buy Premium Keys with a reduce of 25% and sell it to make profits.
Note that you can also use directly your earnings to buy Premium Keys.
We have a system of points, each 1000 downloads of your files you earn points and you can exchange these points to become Premium.
This feature is available only for Members, for Affiliates you can exchange your earnings to become Premium.
Allowed extensions
* txt|pdf|ps|doc|docx|ppt|xls|xlsx|xlsb|odt|odp|ods|rar|zip|gz|7z|iso|dmg|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|mp3|flac|avi|divx|xvid|mpg|mpeg|vob|mov|3gp|ogg|flv|mp4|wmv|mkv|m2v|webm|ogv|rmvb
We've plans to add these features in the future
New payments methods
New payouts methods
Improved the translations
Support of new languages
Apps for Android and Iphone
Pay Per Download (PPD)

* The PPD is based on 1000 downloads.
* Multiple downloads/views are counted per IP address within 24 hours.
* Downloads/Views are not counted if the user is Premium.
Affiliation Rules and Conditions
You need to join the Affiliation program from My Account page.
We pay for the files starting from 3MB.
Manipulating or cheating the system in anyway is prohibited.
Multiple accounts is prohibited and immediately ban without warning.
Delete your files when you request payment is prohibited.
If you delete your files you delete the earnings of these files.
Dividing big files (more than 1GB) in multiple small files (50MB or less) is prohibited.
Uploading "fake" files (without real content) is prohibited.
Only complete downloads are counted.
Downloads are not counted if the user is Premium.
Visitors need to accept cookies and have javascript enabled (for download tracking).
We count up to 10 downloads every 24 hours per IP address (used periodically).
We don't allow adult content / porn on our service.
We don't count the downloads from your own account.
Your uploads must honor our General Conditions of Use.
Download stats are usually live but could be delayed up to 24 hours.
We delete files if we receive an complaint (this include DMCA requests).
We we reserve the right to modify the Affiliate program at any time without perior notice.
We ban immediately the users who abuse our system or/and don't respect this rules and his lost this earnings without warning.
Affiliation Payment Policy
We pay for ALL countries using a tiering system.
Our minimum payout is 10 €.
Our payout options are Payza, Neteller, Skrill (Moneybookers), PayPal (minimum 100 €) or Bitcoin.
We apply 4.25% of withdrawal fee.
We will send your payment after your request, the 11th and the 25th of each month (a delay may be required in some cases).
Depending on the payment provider there may be a service fee that will be deducted from the payment amount.
When we send your payment by using Bitcoin, the Bitcoins are bought for the amount requested in your payment request and send to you within 24 hours. We are not responsible if the value of the Bitcoins change during this period.
We are not responsible if you have entered incorrect payment details, we can't do anything once it was issued.
We are not responsible of any problems or mistakes made by our payment processors.
Earn 10% of bonus for PPD if you activate the Soft Block !
Earn 20% of bonus for PPD if you activate the Anti-Adblock !
You can change this setting on My Account > Settings.
Main informations
1) Max download speed :
Visitors : 450 kbps
Members : 800 kbps
Premium : Unlimited
2) Download restrictcion :
Visitors : 1 download every 20 min
Members : 1 download every 15 min
Premium : Unlimited
3) Max filesize of file for upload :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 10 Gb
Premium : 15 Gb
4) Max simultanous upload :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 20
Premium : 30
5) Storage space :
Visitors : No storage space for visitors
Members : 1 Tb
Premium : Unlimited
6) Storage time for files :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 90 days after the last download
Premium : Unlimited time
7) Max parallel uploads :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 20 uploads
Premium : 30 uploads
We have a full support with a ticket system, free and accessible 24h/24 and 7d/7 at this address :
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