- Earn up to 40€/1000 PPD - 75% PPS - MIX & Weekly Payouts

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filesuniverse can i get premium plz user ps2gameman

Added after 2 Days 9 Hours:

no reply from this admin think his gone u know
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When will the filehosting service starts working? "Free Download" doesn't work in Firefox and Chrome. Support doesn't work.

Added after 13 Days 17 Hours:

PPD is died. Fourth day statistics 0.
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This last months we have work a lot to make the new version of FilesUniverse, now we are only a service of FileHosting and we paid up to $40 for 1000 downloads and up to 75% for sales, we have add Webmoney as payout method, make a new design, change our premium plans and our affiliation programm, improve our support website and made many others improvements.

We have change the major part of our website, we don't details all the improvements here, the best way for discovers the improvements is to try our new website.

Main informations :

1) Max download speed :
Visitors : 300 kbps
Members : 350 kbps
Premium : Unlimited

2) Max volume of download per day :
Visitors : 2 Gb
Members : 2 Gb
Premium : Unlimited

3) Max size of file for download :
Visitors : 2 Gb
Members : 2 Gb
Premium : Unlimited

4) Max size of file for upload :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 10 Gb
Premium : 15 Gb

5) Max simultanous upload :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 20
Premium : 30

6) Storage space :
Visitors : No storage space for visitors
Members : 1 Tb
Premium : Unlimited

7) Storage time for files :
Visitors : No upload for visitors
Members : 90 days after the last download
Premium : Unlimited time

When we make change we update in first our affiliation page and after the main topic on WJunction, so stay tuned.

We will making updates in the next few days to completely stabilize the new version.
how many download do you count per ip?

do you payout daily?


Added after 4 minutes:

No anti-adblock (by default)
Softblock (Display a message to ask at users to disable adblock without block the content)
Anti-adblock (Display a message and block the content to force users to disable adblock or leave)

What this for? does it make the PPD lower count?

Added after 3 minutes:

Where are you server located? Very slow upload speed

Upload speed: 208 Kb/s
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We have added Neteller as payout method for our Affiliates.

Remote Upload not working

You have enter on the page My Files > Remote Upload the details of Premium account that you have on the filehost that you want to use for Remote Upload ? and have you activate on this filehost the option "Direct downloads" ?

Normally the Remote Upload works, you can open an ticket on our support ( and describe your issue in details.

I am unable to create folder has as administrators fix this

We have solved this problem, thank you for have reporting this bug.

Create folder already works. Any chance of 'link to folder' and 'create subdirectory'?

What do you mean by "link to folder" ? If this is a public link to list your files with the downloads links, this is not on our plans for now.

Add subfolders is a good suggestion, this is done :)

how many download do you count per ip?

do you payout daily?


Added after 4 minutes:

No anti-adblock (by default)
Softblock (Display a message to ask at users to disable adblock without block the content)
Anti-adblock (Display a message and block the content to force users to disable adblock or leave)

What this for? does it make the PPD lower count?

Added after 3 minutes:

Where are you server located? Very slow upload speed

Upload speed: 208 Kb/s

We count up to 10 downloads every 24 hours per IP address.

We will send your payment within 7 days after your request, but a period up to 30 days may be required.

Payout requests via PayPal is only for $100 min and $10 min for others payout methods.

All this informations are on our main topic on WJunction and on our affiliation page on

The options are only if Adblock would be too used and the PPD is no longer profitable, the downloads is currently counted normally even for users Adblock.

We have tested upload speed 1 hour ago and our upload speed is approximatively 10Mb/s (this is the max speed of network used for the test), you can show the result here :

Our fileservers (only used for store the files) are in France.

You can open a ticket on our support ( and describe in details the method that you have used for upload, your country and all others informations that you judge usefull for us.
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