– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Filesonic should stop delete files !!! It deleted more than 200 files and fileserve/filejungle doesn't deleted any file !!!

I think you will loose some users if this continues this way... X-(
What is happening with PlaySonic,,2 days 3 sale and PlaySonic credits are not increased but dropped -300 credits.:(

Playsonic qualifying credits are calculate on a 30 day basis, if your sales in the recent days are not as good as the days over 30 days, your qualifying credits will decrease

Best regards,

Please fix the servers that slow , this slow servers are killing the sales

same as me :'(
who can tell me which filehost RU to filesonic working currently?

Send us links in affiliate tickets so we can help you, we can't do much if you post on boards for those issues

Best regards,

where a option playsonic credit in new theme?

Top right corner of the file manager

Best regards,
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Originally Posted by Kliton
What is happening with PlaySonic,,2 days 3 sale and PlaySonic credits are not increased but dropped -300 credits.:(
Playsonic qualifying credits are calculate on a 30 day basis, if you sales were better in the period over 30 days your qualifying credits will decrease

Best regards,
If I convert my points to Premium Voucher, and I not activate the voucher,the voucher expires or not??


I would like more informations about a setting in payment options.

On this page :
there is my Paypal account set, and there is a setting called "Limit".

What is that limit ? Because I would like to stop receiving money from Filesonic to Paypal account, for some weeks (I dont want automatic payment), and I would like to know if it is possible.

Thank you.
If I convert my points to Premium Voucher, and I not activate the voucher,the voucher expires or not??


They should not expire until they are used

hi marco/hish
what's wrong with my domain sale? today i have 1 domain sale but 0$

Open an affiliate ticket with your login information and the screen shot so we can answer you

Marco pls reply ticket #206133

Hish is taking care of it, he will answer you soon

Best regards,


I would like more informations about a setting in payment options.

On this page :
there is my Paypal account set, and there is a setting called "Limit".

What is that limit ? Because I would like to stop receiving money from Filesonic to Paypal account, for some weeks (I dont want automatic payment), and I would like to know if it is possible.

Thank you.

The limit is the maximum payout we send you, if you don't want payments remove your payment information


It's best solution for everyone. Thanks for listening Some of your affiliates feedback.

Finally you have changed the upgrade page.Thank you hish

Sound good :)

It will be more gud if Elite user get Elite skin ;)

Thank you for your past suggestions and Champ, we will see what we can do for an elite banner ;)

Best regards,
user reported me that they can't download the file. They told me that whenever the click on Green Download Button they got system error message. whats going on

Today I got more downloads in filejungle due to this error.

Anybody have the same problem.

Premium member are able to download the file but free user get the same problem with each file.

Please delete free user section and increase sales!

Correct pls delet free account
last month i made 60 + sale this month only 2 :SX-(

Added after 9 minutes:

i know many ppl invest for uploading :D
like they buy Powerful vps
300 usd for filesonic only
but filesonic they just broke there heart :(
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