Why we don't get sales:
Imagine you are free user, you click on some Filesonic link >400MB and you see this:
So you click on
Upgrade, and go to upgrade page.
And now what you see, is 3 types of account, Free, Premium and Collaborate.
every common user will register for
Free account! Because it's free, and they think they can download the file with Free account.
Ok, so you register for Free account. Now you have Free account and you go to the download page try to download the file again, and what you'll see?
And now what? You are very pissed off that you've already register, but the same message shows up! And BAM! you close the filesonic page and look for another filehost mirror, because you wasted a lot of time to try download, but nothing happened.
My suggestion is delete the Free account from Upgrade page (or make them not clickable)! The downloaders want to download, not upload! and with Free Account they can do nothing, it will just make 'em angry.