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No one is scared of you reverse :-)

You have a very strange opinion of the power of your own words.

This is the internet ffs.
No one gets scared by reading semi-harsh words/threats from a total stranger.
No one is scared of you reverse :-)

You have a very strange opinion of the power of your own words.

This is the internet ffs.
No one gets scared by reading semi-harsh words/threats from a total stranger.

Well , power of my words has kept whiners away whenever I am online.

I remember you went away too initially when you started posting crap few weeks back :) Apart from powerful words I do have sharp memory too , I remember when and what was your first message on this thread.

Off late , I have noticed you have added humor to your post and don't whine like previously. Anyway as long as nobody whines against filesonic - it doesn't bothers me and if one has to whine or complaint - there's always constructive way to do so !

And I do support constrictive criticism. Even hish does. Nobody is perfect.

I did not post crap, you have nothing to do with me posting or not, and I can use the search too to find _your_ first post. :-)

Well you did .. if i remember correctly you said something about bold and i replied like i use to and then you ran away. You may use search to confirm it.

Anyway , we are going offtopic and again like i said as long as somebody raises any concerns in a constructive way - I support it, respect it.

@ reverse
I did not run away.
I just wanted to tell you how stupid bold looks.
Mission accomplished.

And this time I just wanted to tell you it looks stupid when you write things like:
"get scared of me "
Mission accomplished.

People do not run away from you or get scared.
They just give up on arguing with your ramblings. :-)
My patience got paid.
Got double strike..1 month and 6 moth sales...
That's why i love FSo and not mirror my link.

Btw Hish, how about adding drag n drop feature, quite hard to manage many files now...:D
My patience got paid.
Got double strike..1 month and 6 moth sales...
That's why i love FSo and not mirror my link.

Btw Hish, how about adding drag n drop feature, quite hard to manage many files now...:D

Congrats :D

by the way - answering to your last line - the way file manager was coded - it is impossible to add drag and drop feature on it.

An absolutely new implementation would be required to provide this feature which would take time.


Drag n drop feature for our files.
Duckload had this feature and making easier to work with a lot files and folders.

At this moments everytime we want move files, we click move button on the right, and a window will pop up, we choose the destination folder.

With adding drag n drop feature, i think it will be more quick to move files.


I know, will be need time to make a new implementation. But if it can help us to working more faster with our files, i think it will be nice.
All the deleted file names in removed files part don't seem anymore, i had at least 4000 links that i hadn't reupped. I hope filesonic fix this, i want to see all removed files again.
po-tay-toe , po-tah-toe

but just to piss you off

po-tay-toe , po-tah-toe :)

As long as whiners are in their pot holes , I don't mind it :D


it seems that reverse is just a 12-year-old boy :-) grow up kid! why do you complain people when Hish doesn't say anything? it's not your job here kid, nobody pays you to teach us here. everybody has right to say things that are not against rules. don't act like a woman on her period 'cause it's dirty you know. when you have many haters, you should think about the reasons. be calm and focus on the purpose of this supporting topic, please kid.

p/s: uploaders on PPS plan should understand the situation when you're on low sales. assume that you posted your links on some forums which have 100 regular visitors. if on March, there are 90 people bought premium accounts then they will not buy again till their accounts are expired. so you all should wait them reach the expiry then people will buy premium accounts again. keep in mind that this is not filesonic bug or cheating, it's just a simple fact of life guys. be patient and happy earning!:D

I know, will be need time to make a new implementation. But if it can help us to working more faster with our files, i think it will be nice.

I totally agree with you , I will let hish and IT team know this feature in detail. Will update you on this soon :)


it seems that reverse is just a 12-year-old boy :-) grow up kid! why do you complain people when Hish doesn't say anything? it's not your job here kid, nobody pays you to teach us here. everybody has right to say things that are not against rules. don't act like a woman on her period 'cause it's dirty you know. when you have many haters, you should think about the reasons. be calm and focus on the purpose of this supporting topic, please kid.

"everybody has right to say things that are not against rules." , there you said it yourself asshole !

Jeez , this thread is getting filled with contradicting illiterates.

Edit - found ya :P , as expected another asshole !!

look here guys :P

My ID is keithfcain . I also replied to Fraud Department. You know that everyone has job to feed their family and this is my job. Please understand our situation and please listen to your partners.

so this is you , huh :D :)

Get a real job first !!
@reverse: i know you will reply. so it's only my opinion. of course you have right to say anything you want kid ;-) say more and show us more about you kid, i feel funny about you ;-)
Guys, stop abusing FileSonic topic this way.
You have something personal each other to say?
Go PM each other.
This is support thread.
I don't want to read this shit here.

Little more dignity, and respect wouldn't harm any of you.
:-) that's just a good trick to make people pleased to do what you want. of course I have jobs (not job), stupid kid :-)

so fraud department was right - you are a born fraudster plus a liar plus a contradicting asshole with a hungry family , i will let them know your account id to run extra check on your fraud sales ;)
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